white-shaver Reviews
Lawyers and Legal Services

White Shaver

0/5 - based on 1 review

White Shaver Overview

White Shaver has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Lawyers and Legal Services category, it secures the 498th position out of 698 companies.


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White Shaver Reviews


Rottweiler breeder and dog show enthusiast

Jeff Shaver has abused AKC rules on civility and procedure, by using social media to spread false conspiracy theories and presenting them as truth. He has abused social media to hurt other breeders, trying to create mob justice from half truths, and fired up clueless dog show people to go after judges and other breeders, and publicly humiliate them by spreading gossip. He is an attorney and should be written up for his unethical conduct in the dog show world as he is probably the same as an attorney. He has accused others of making false accusations against him, so you would think he would pause before engaging in false moral outrage, posing as fact. But no.

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