vida-vacations Reviews
Hotels and Resorts

Vida Vacations

2.3/5 - based on 280 reviews

Vida Vacations Overview

Vida Vacations has a 2.3-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 280 customers. In the Hotels and Resorts category, it secures the 28th position out of 883 companies.


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(800) 964-7246

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Vida Vacations Reviews


Liked resort

This is an expensive resort and therefore not for everyone. When you use it, the 'use fee' is also high. Only if you can afford it should you buy. But if you can afford it the quality of the service, accommodations, restaurants and amenides is very high.


Vida handled my problem with courtesy, providing the solution I desired.

I had to cancel a previous reservation, and to reschedule it. It was accomplished with no problems. I provided the documentation they needed to attest to the reason why I was forced to cancel my trip. The resort representative was sensitive to the medical reason that forced us to cancel our trip.


Update account

Im inquiring about my account status; I wish to schedule a Trip Possibly to Mexico. However, I first need my account status. I've been to Cancun, Cabo, Puerto Vireta, and Alcopoco. I wish to Plan another holiday vacation via my account. Celebrate my retirement and hope to bring my family. Thank you for your assistance.


Warn unwary people from joining

I bought a membership, but when I tried to register for one of the cruises that was described during the sales presentation, I was told that it was not available for the advertised price. I have never gone on a VIDA vacation, and I have gotten nothing from my membership.


1 hour presentation turned into 4 hours and they did not deliver on gifts

They stalk you at the airport, make huge promises of gifts and then trap you in the presentation for hours. They are relentless and despite hearing that you will not purchase, they apply pressure, ask inappropriate questions about your finances, harass you about purchasing until the final moment and then do a bait and switch on the gifts promised. I was promised a $400 VISA gift card to pay for my maintenance fees and they slipped me a $500.00 VIDA Dollars coupon, which is worthless. They promised me a massage at the resort and then give me a certificate for a remote spa that is off property. Do not attend this timeshare presentation, it's not worth it and they defraud you, waste your vacation time and harass you.


1 star

We were lied to when we bought told we had a 100 year contract find out its a 10 year contract lies lies, lies


Confirmation letter

Thank you, all is fine. All is fine, no problems. Thank you, all is fine, no problems. Thank you. Ok.


Customer service

The response was immediate and very satisfactory. They contacted me we had discussed the problem ad came up with an answer.


Received text that my maintenance is outstanding.

My check #814 sent February 16, 2021. $807.01. Sent to mail service post office box56369.Houston Texas 77256


Continued outright lies

I have visited the cancuun area 4 times and have been disapointed in the Mayan Riveria beaches.Promised clean swimmable only to find either no sand or "seaweed"everywhere.I ask But told "we cleaned the beach up".Not the case over and over.Also Told a quality room not available only to find them un occupied.Lastly EVERYONE who updates us dishonest!!!Go elsewhere for vacations.


Terrible customer service & refund response

I had to cancel our reservation for an Anniversary trip to Playa del Carmen w/Vida Vacations back in May 2020 due to the pandemic since our flight was cancelled. I decided to let them keep our payment since I was hoping wed be able to plan a return trip sooner than later. Its October and I still have no idea when the Pandemic will be over &;;;;; we will be able to travel outside of the country. So theyre charging me $50 because I want to get my money back now. She said its because I cancelled my trip & all I have to do is rebook it now ( or let them keep my $$ until I rebook). Plus now it could take 3-4 mos. to get my money back as well when previously it was 3 weeks. I find this to be just a ploy to make money off their customers & I had no choice in cancelling due to the pandemic. I just find this to be ridiculous that theyre charging me to get my $$ back. I cancelled my vacation back in early May so why are they penalizing me know. They screwed me up last year on another reservation and cancelled me before I even arrived but luckily I caught it and was able to get my $$ back with no charge (after fighting them) since it was their error. I am letting go of my membership due to this because weve had too many problems with them from the start & for all the fees they charge & money they make you would think that during a pandemic theyd give you a break. This Vidanta resorts is such a big rip off & not worth the money to be part of. So bye bye Vidanta & I will tell anyone that listens not to join.


Cancel my 2021 vacation weeks

my wife has very bad lung issues and cannot travel so please refund my money to my credit card thank you James Heidrich 3800 Normandy st Bismarck nd 58503 phone 1-70*-721 ****


Overall a bad deal

Sales Practices - High pressure, aggressive, intimidatingReservations - not as available as they promiseCancelations - forget your money, zero follow up, terrible customer care and you will get deep frustrationYou will loss money and time



DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THESE PEOPLE. They are crooks. They updated my contract without my permission or signature. Im NOT going to stand for this. Take your money and put it somewhere reputable. Anna Slesinski Member since 2005



Prezada Letícia Rosário Alves - Serviço de Atenção ao Cliente Assunto: contrato n ICTL12159 Venho export e, ao final, formular o pedido abaixo. Eu e minha esposa moramos em Goiânia-GO, ambos recentemente aposentados, com o sonho de viajar, conhecer o mundo, cultura, monumentos etc. Nesse sentido, para viablizar este sonho, nos associamos ao Beach Park Vacation Club - BPVC e, por intermédio da RCI (n de sócio C7952****), nos hospedamos no The Bliss, junto com nossos dois filhos, no período de 19 a 26/07/2019. Gostamos muito do Vidanta Riviera Maya, tanto que publiquei no TripAdvisor um comentário elogioso (enexo), que foi lido por cerca de 100 mil pessoas, sendo 1 mil dos Estados Unidos, 2 mil de Portugal, 3 mil do Canadá, Europa e Ásia. Eu e minha esposa gostamos de viajar, valorizamos e respeitamos todos os elos da cadeia de turismo. Entendemos que o TimeShare é uma alternativa para viabilizar o nosso sonho de viajar com nossos limitados recursos de aposentadoria. No entanto, embora seja uma grande empresa, o BPVC que não nos atendeu quando dele precisamos - Rússia, em junho 2018, Ilha Bela/SP, em janeiro 2019, Roma e Atenas, em maio 2019. Embora pagando mensalmente o BPVC tivemos que pagar pelas hospedagens nestas viagens. Dessa maneira, a proposta apresentada pelo Jessé Santos e pelo gerente Weslei, em 20 de julho, de associação no Vidanta, nos interessou. Mas deixamos claro que só seria viável com a minha migração do BPVC para o Vidanta. Jessé Santos e Weslei nos disseram que trabalharam na RCI associada do BPVC e que seria possível fazer a redução de programa "downgrade", solucionando o contrato com o BPVC. Ambos afirmaram que o Vidanta não tem o interesse de manter nenhum associado a contragosto, já que a Empresa tem por princípio "manter as portas abertas para entrar e para sair". Nesse sentido, foi ajustado preço e prazo e assinei o contrato com o Vidanta. diante da possibilidade de solucionar o término do contrato com o BPVC, que providenciei tão logo retornei ao Brasil, e informei ao Jesse Santos (em anexo). No entanto, o BPVC rejeitou a minha solicitação de downgrade, exigindo valores que inviablizam a manutenção de dois contratos - um com o BPVC e outro com o Vidante. Informei esta situação ao Jessé. Sendo impossível manter dois contratos, estou compelido cancelar o contrato com o Vidanta. A previsão para isso está na clausula 11, que assegura ao cliente o cancelamento dentro de 5 "dias hábeis" contados a partir do dia seguinte hábil da data da assinatura do contrato. A solicitação foi feita através do email inscrito no contrato (em anexo). A resposta automática do Serviço ao Cliente foi recomendar falar no Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente Brasil 0-800-025-****. Liguei e falei com a especialista Jôsi do Departamento de Serviços Associados. Ela ponderou que a solicitação foi encaminhada ao Departamento para análise e a resposta será dada em 48-72 horas. A Jôsi recomendou que eu entrasse em contato com você para expor a situação acima, já que poderia haver o entendimento de que a data para solicitação do cancelemanto se iniciaria em 20/07. Por isso, fiz o relato acima, detalhado, expondo aspectos da negociação que estão evidenciadas nas mensagens de WhassApp com Jessé Santos. Assim, solicito a análise do pedido de cancelamento do contrato com base nos seguintes pontos: i) eu e minha esposa respeitamos e acreditamos na Empresa Vidanta, e ficamos interessados em nos associar; ii) colocamos a condição do término do contrato com o BPVC para nos tornarmos sócios do Vidanta; iii) o downgrade apresentado por Jesse e Weslei tornaria viável essa possibilidade; iv) tão logo retornei ao Brasil, consultando o contrato, solicitei ao BPVC o seu término e a proposta do downgrade; v) diante da recusa do BPVC, fui compelido a solicitar o cancelamento do contrato com o Vidanta,; vi) a solicitação de cancelamento do contrato Vida Vacations é tempestiva e imediatamente após a sua assinatura, dentro do prazo consagrado internacionalmente para desistência ou arrependimento; vii) o curto de vigência do contrato não gerou nenhum benefício ou prejuízo para nenhuma das partes signatárias do contrato; Em face de todo o exposto, a permanência deste contrato viola o princípio basilar da boa-fé objetiva, deixando de produzir efeitos legais. Ao final, o prazo que a empresa entendeu para cancelar o cobntrato de 5 "dias hábeis" como sendo 5 dias corridos transgride o padrão internacional válido para desistência de contratos. A negativa ao pedido de cancelamento nos termos acima expressos representaria transgride a conduta socialmente aceitável de que a contagem de qualquer prazo se daria após a data do check out do The Bliss Riviera Maya, ocorrido em 26/07/2019. De outra maneira, seria entender que o cliente e sua família, residentes no Brasil, caíram numa armadilha: estavam a passeio em Cancún, no México e foram ludibriados a assinar um contrato com o prazo de 5 dias corridos, prazo que se encerraria em 26/07, aí mesmo, dentro do resort, em pleno passeio. Caso a empresa reclamada mantenha o contrato contrariando o padrão objetivo de conduta reconhecido transgride a boa-fé objetiva o que, pela lei brasileira, é causa de nulidade absoluta do contrato, desobrigando o consumidor de qualquer obrigação. Nestes termos, espera atendimento. Osmar Pires Martins Junior Afiliação e autorização nº 683**** e 861652 Telefone celular n +55 62 9****-*512


Misled about Benefits and Vida Lifestyle Membership

My boyfriend and I were pretty much swindled into a timeshare presentation in Nueva Vallerta at the Mayan resort. Our sales agent was nice but what we didn't know is that we were offered Vida dollars with a program that somehow doesn't allow you to actually use the dollars completely. This is a discount program really where they inflate prices and then say you can only use a portion of the dollars to offset costs. For example a car rental for one week would have cost us $367 for one week and we could only use $30 of our $1,100 dollars, where we would be ultimately paying approximately $100 more using their "discount" program and it would take us well over a year to actually use the dollars - this doesn't seem like a deal to me. Now I am VERY nervous about the timeshare we purchased, we are now out $11,000 and have yet to benefit from it.

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