valor-tours Reviews
Travel Agencies

Valor Tours

0/5 - based on 1 review

Valor Tours Overview

Valor Tours has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Travel Agencies category, it secures the 398th position out of 494 companies.


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Contact Information


(800) 842-4504

10, Libertyship Way, Sausalito, California, 94965, United States

Valor Tours Reviews


Valor Tours Not Worth The Cost

I took the Pre D-Day tour in England last year (2015) with their D-Day tour. The Pre D-Day tour was almost a complete waste of money since neither of the two tour guides knew much of the history. The D-Day Normandy tour was saved by the experience of being in Normandy and walking the D-Day beaches, not the quality of the guide. Worth seeing in England were the Churchill war rooms and Blechley Park. The remaing time spent was mostly driving around and around trying to get past the the traffic jams to the next museum.It turned out the motel in Normandy was on the Omaha beach complete with German bunkers nearby. So the highlight of this tour was the Omaha beach and spending the afternoon in St Mare Eglise.

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