toccoa-natural-gas Reviews

Toccoa Natural Gas

0/5 - based on 1 review

Toccoa Natural Gas Overview

Toccoa Natural Gas has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Utility category, it secures the 495th position out of 639 companies.


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Contact Information

(706) 282-3311

92 N Alexander St, Toccoa, Georgia, 30577, United States

Toccoa Natural Gas Reviews


Monopoly Municipal Natural Gas Provider

My natural gas provider is a monopoly. Due to the lack of competing providers in our area, I and the nearby communities are forced to pay higher natural gas prices; as much as 2x natural gas pricing offered within a 100 mile radius. They also are known for their unfair and unethical customer practices. Recently, my monthly billing ran one month behind: the due date on my current statement was 4/06/2015. On Friday, March 27th, my gas was disconnected; incidentally this just happened to be the coldest weekend in some weeks. Upon calling on Monday, I was informed the city had made a decision to allow a 10 day grace period from one month's billing before disconnecting services. After pointing out the lack of any printed detail regarding the change, I was referred to the following statement on the bill: CURRENT CHARGES ARE DUE 04/06/2015 AND WILL BE CHARGED A LATE FEE IF NOT PAID BY DUE DATE. ADDITIONAL LATE FEES WILL BE CHARGED 30 DAYS PAST THE BILLING DATE AND SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED AFTER 04/16/2015. PAST DUE AMOUNTS ARE DUE IMMEDIATELY OR SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED. NO OTHER NOTICE WILL BE SENT. It was pointed out to me by the customer service that they last two sentences pertained to the new policy. As if it were not injurious enough to be monopolized by this municipal city's pricing, now we are to endure their unfair business practices. I remain firm in my conclusion that it was no accident the disconnect happened on Friday before a lower than normal temperature drop. I did call over the weekend and was directed to 911. They informed me there was no after hours customer support, however, someone was on call and my request would be directed to that person and I could expect a return phone call. That call never came. Once after building a new home in the city, the gas company had to come out at night due to a gas leak. I have to wonder who we are expected to call in our community if needed for a similar situation.

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