seasons-change-energy-solutions-heating-and-air-conditioning Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning

Seasons Change Energy Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning

1.2/5 - based on 1 review

Seasons Change Energy Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning Overview

Seasons Change Energy Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning has a 1.2-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 172th position out of 200 companies.


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Contact Information


(541) 273-0596

2815 Laverne Avenue, Ste. A, Klamath Falls, Oregon, 97603, United States

Seasons Change Energy Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning Reviews


Stop Yelling At Customers

Updated by user Nov 18, 2020
Seasons Change2815 Laverne AveKlamath Falls, 273-****

Original review Nov 18, 2020
Seasons Change 2815 Laverne AveJust in time for Halloween, witches of Eastwick work here!!!! I'm so sorry but I don't give money to businesses who yell. I had an appt scheduled and was merely calling to confirm they were on time. You see, I wanted to make a quick run to the store if they were going to be late. Instantly the woman raised her voice yelling at me for my number being disconnected cuz she tried really hard to get someone here yesterday???? WHAT??? I was fine with the appt I had, why are you yelling at me that you couldn't call me yesterday to send someone over? PMS???? Hormone check time cuz I asked for her supervisor, and when she passed the torch Lynn took over with the yelling. FINALLY I said, "I'm recording this call" which caused her to lower her voice just a little. Rob and his helper were amazing. I had given them a snack the last time they were here, but today all I could do was vent that I was just yelled at by two very angry ladies all because I couldn't accommodate THEIR schedule the day before. Something is very wrong with a business who thinks they can get away with treating their paying customers as irritating nuisances. Yes Rob was great, but I will never call again (LOL she's yelling at me saying "You can't yell at me"). I was only yelling to see if she would shut up long enough to listen that I wasn't upset at all, but when Lynn chimed in with her abusive anger, it was apparent to me they were simply mad at me for messing up their schedule the day before since THEY had a slot open. Guess it never occurred to you that perhaps that wouldn't have been convenient for me since I was out of town, OUCH. Stop in tho for good old fashioned Halloween spirit, cuz yes I'm sure they have their full wardrobe on for anyone to see they truly are up for the season of witches (less the B). Bye for good Seasons Change!!!!! Obviously written in Oct, but Yelp caved in and removed it. They only want good reviews, so thankfully PissedConsumer allows for HONEST reviews.

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