peoplecheckpro Reviews
Background and People Search


0/5 - based on 1 review

PeopleCheckPro Overview

PeopleCheckPro has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Background and People Search category, it secures the 74th position out of 84 companies.


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PeopleCheckPro Reviews



This site has a fake number you can't call. I am a public figure and have been trying to remove my information from this site. It is extremely dangerous that people can just look me up and can come to my addresses and harass my family members. When you try to remove information, they make you jump through hoops to do it. There has to be better laws to protect someone from this flagrant invasion of privacy. If anyone knows of a solution that doesn't involve a scam to make you pay more money to have your information removed I would love to hear about it.

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