only-natural-wellness-center Reviews
Beauty Salons and Spas

Only Natural Wellness Center

1.7/5 - based on 8 reviews

Only Natural Wellness Center Overview

Only Natural Wellness Center has a 1.7-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 8 customers. In the Beauty Salons and Spas category, it secures the 75th position out of 481 companies.


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Only Natural Wellness Center Reviews


One of the worst experiences of my life

I went to see Dr. King years ago in order to repair some health problems, specifically allergies and asthma/eczema induced by them. At first, she just seemed like another strange, off-the-beaten-path wholistic doctor. Turns out she was much, much worse. After thousands of dollars down the drain, months of discomfort, pain, and irritation, 20+ pounds of muscle and healthy fat lost, and weeks of being berated, abused, and insulted by this woman, I had had enough. She did absolutely nothing for my conditions-- in fact, if history tells us anything, she exacerbated them. I was once struggling with mild eczema and asthma, now I have severe of both. Her diet of just fruit juice and highly-priced supplements left me emaciated, dried out, and weak in every possible way. I underwent agony when she forced me not to take my prescriptions, barely sleeping for weeks and having full-body flare-ups of rashes. She is a *** A cruel, blunt, unkind and unsympathetic liar who, if the world was just, would be in prison for child endangerment and child abuse, seeing as I was only 17 at the time. If I had all the money and time in the world, I would sue her to high heaven, burying her practice and her smugness, demanding restitution of enough money to actually fix my health problems, which have only gotten worse since meeting with her.


I consider this woman to be a fraud, dangerous and an ego-maniac.

My husband had lung cancer. He went to her for colonics and nutritional therapies. She did a colonic everyday for a month and charged me $200-$300 every time. She put him on a pure fresh juice regimen only for a month. He lost weight, which he never recovered, got worse everyday and died. This woman in my opinion is dangerous.



I have a love hate thing going on with this lady. Haven't seen her in a decade because she cured me of some medical issued I'd been dealing with for half a decade that Internal Med MD's and Gastroenterologists could not solve, and my mental/emotional/cognitive health espexually. She did though. But at the expense of my self-esteem, being made to feel ashamed, and my father's wallet at the time who was taking me to her daily durring my specific program. Some of the things I was highly sceptical about and I am not one to be affected by placebos, because the issues I'd been dealing with were very real and affected how I looked, woke up, went to bed, conducted myself around I felt every moment. Eizabeth basically gave me the light again while using positive reinforcement for things corrected, but like a Sargent of Shame. If you corrected something, you'd notice she became more respectful. I had my hands in my pockets that first day I walked in as a 19 year old, a decade back....and she greeted us then immediately told me "It's a courtesy to not pocket your hands while in the presence of meeting new people or speaking with women" After a few sessions i had it up to my neck but was about to begin a specific diet with juicing and I was curious...but durring that week I broke down only 25% into the diet and nearly broke the diet and decided I'd not see that *** again....but I calmed down and my dad convinced me to finish what I start even if I doubt it. I'm glad I finished. From all the supplements, different things she had me do, etc. Something worked, maybe all of it combined and put into daily practice/ritual, maybe just one of the things that isn't in the daily ritul of life is what did it for me and the daily habits and whatnot that have changed are just to make sure it doesn't happen again. I don't know. What I do know, is you are paying this lady for her experience not her friendliness. She has a different cultural background, and is extremely "proper" and "strict", has some old ways in terms of social etiquette, doesn't like to be questioned in a manner that demeans her knowledge of something or challenges her abilities. She's old. She's been around. Seen a lot of *** Dealt with a lot of both dumb, rude and smart people. And is kinda like a gypsy/palm reader in the way she judges/assumes a different perspective of you and your intentions/communications. I don't know why she chose to come to American, let alone Utah, Sandy of all places (nothing bad with it). I just am glad I put up with her strong personality, and did everything she had me do, the scholarly articles and information provided for learning purposes to grasp certain concepts of what we were doing better, like what free radicals are, non-invasive modern methods of chelation therapy, what types of heavy metals and their free radicals effect is on the body and what they are absorbed by/ingested/inhaled/absorbed from, all kinds of stuff (cited with the correlating scholarly articles, journals and books of combined research). She does do some questionable things that I'd do without but it's whatever, let her have her magic computer device as a gimmick for the Americans while she's really just going off experience and essentially just being a nutritionist - which, is ultimately all I wanted and was looking for as that is the best doctor for any problem imo - if they are WELL learned, experienced, open minded to current advancements and constantly evaluating their knowledge and updating where needed...and it's hard to find a good one. Elizabeth King is a good one, with a thorn in her paw though. Maybe from a chip on her shoulder. I don't know. She helped this other kid that was seeing her, his mom was bringing him and I'd seen him a few times on my campus in the future. Lol! He told me ... She helped him out because she shamed him for wasting his mother's time and money to get him healthy again but he was smoking *** regularly for sleep and taking Adderall from his doctor so she got mad thinking he didn't value what they were doing for him as those are toxifying his body (all smoke is toxic, it's burn off toxins - though not carcinogenic maybe but studies do show some trace carcinogen type effects from free radicals and heavy metals in some generic manufactured Adderall. So yeah she shamed him for that and not even having a job to pay relying on his mom (Elizabeth didn't know his mom forced him to go). She put him to work in her garden hahahah! She literally offered him work and an opportunity to redeem himself from the SHAME so had him literally pull weeds from her garden, burrower weeds those impossible roots straggling around under the soil from the surface down to the clay where it can't go, ... She asked an OCD kid a year younger than me, who had been on Adderall a long time, to *** her garden. He did a *** of a job, he showed me pics, the soil was picked clean, but he only got about two yards of it in 5+ hours...and he was imminent in making the point of how hard and meticulous he worked and thought she'd me pressed and proud....instead she cut his work short told him he's fired from this task for not taking it seriously and thinking it's some kind of vacation to get $25 an hour for doing casually. From the way this kid talked and knowing him, he had bad social anxiety, I could tell how much that hurt him...he already had self esteem issues too like myself. He too got the hands in pockets shaming BUT he didn't take off his shoes going up the stairs and she flipped like my ex girlfriends mom in China when she saw me in her house with shoes on. That's like having a toothbrush on a toilet seat, big no no. So yeah this lady, is definitely not socially adapted for an American culture, she's a snob for sure, if this were the 1800's she'd be one or the Brits calling American children untamed and ill mannered, she's an intimidating, rude, shorter, marry Poppins, a spoonful of all her medicines helps the problems go away then you just gotta stick to the new ritual from your mentor in daily living and life is good... My issues more so we're not caused by my past daily habits though, well... Actually most of them were, like my diet...but my WORST problem wasn't due to diet or anything ritual - it was due to my childhood environment, we grew up in a place with very bad pollution, water and 90% of the homes there later found to be contaminated with lead from paints and have asbestos type construction materials. Lead is something you really cannot remove fully even with chelation therapy. But I the impact of all the changes I made daily and the form of chelation therapy we did among other things helped me tremendously with my cognitive thinking, emotional state and concentration, lol and I still have one of my stones we we're able to soften up and get to leave my body, it impressed my human anatomy teacher and he asked if I'd sell it to him to use for demonstration purposes in his classes. Nope. It's a reminder for me to never let myself get to a state of painful living I was in like before. I was a young adult who couldn't even drink soda too without terrible cramping pains, sharp gut rattling knife sensations. No figment of my imagination. Basic things hurt enough. Nothing gross involved. I kept all this to myself to gauge her abilities with silence on those details. She is very capable. Not of being a decent person to you though, wow does she know how to be a drill sergeant. But yeah. By the time I turned 21 I'd been one year out of seeing her, I tried beer and it didn't hurt, soda it didn't hurt, but they tasted disgusting this time...I actually didn't like them anymore even though it was no big deal to me...except when skiing then *** yeah I need that mid day soda with my lunch, something I couldn't do while sick...let alone go skiing because all the health issues. She was a blessing in disguise that definitely gave me some cognitive dissonance in my opinions of her with how she conducts herself. Hope this helps someone who is thinking of seeing her, I recommend her,or who has seen her and is becoming sceptical. If you don't feel comfortable with her or confident in your ability to complete the program chosen for you, I don't recommend her. If you want a likely solution to something or many things you've given up on or are about to and this was your last ditch effort, and are getting cold feet a few days in and see this, just remember it's a personality issue...if you can handle the strong personality, you'll survive. Be the strong willed/minded Jew in a concentration camp, perseverance! No offense by this! She is a stickler.


Very rude and abrupt woman, not proffessional

I scheduled a consultation with Elizabeth King in Draper, Utah. She told me to look for a ying-yang sign at the place of business. As I arivved I didn't realize I was going toa very contemporary home. (Elizabeths personal home) I called because I wanted to be sure I was at the right place since the address I had from a business card was about 4 years old. She asked if I had not seen the ying-yang sign? As I looked it became clear it was not a "sign" hanging it was her landscaping. The ying-yang was a rock decoration of landscaping! So I went in and saw her signs of "do not enter" and also one by the down stairs with a shoe rack. My brain did an assumption and I put my shoes on the rack and went down satirs!. Very large screw up! I stood at the basement landing not sure what to do, when I hear elizabeth yell, Where are you? I said, down stairs, she then said, it is very clear on the sign, I don't know how you could have missed that you were to go upstairs. I appologized to her but could tell she was very angry. Her behavior was not forgiving in any way. She asked me to *** my jewelry and sit down. She had me lean forward as she looked into my eyes, at my tongue. When she found out I was chewing gum, I was asked, if anyone had told me that she doesn't like me to chew gum, that it is toxic! So I spit it out and she didn't where to put it! We continued and she acted like I was so ill as she made some points about my health and what was going on with me. Then she had me place my hand on her magic computer hand and was told that my body was going to speak about what was going on. She told me I have a deep surpressed issue and I was as sick in the brain as I was otherwise!!! That emotionally I basically was not a very functioning person, can't make decisions to save my life, was not confident to do anything, the nerons in my brain were misfiring and I was very confused. Then... she says, this explains why you didn't see the ying-yang sign in the yard!!! This explains why you went down stairs when the sign clearly said upstairs. She told me I had radiation problems, I can't think of any radiation I have been exposed to in high doses, I was loaded up with the remains of soda pop. Um, I drink a sip of my husbands at a movie once in a two week period or so, so NO, this is not correct! Hitler was sitting in front of me, I swear! Mean! Unforgiving! Intolerant! I don't know how this women gets along with anyone! One other thing. This is MY Dime, My $78.00 cash dime. She kept answering the phone and chit chatting to other people and then clicking over to answer another call, while I am sitting with my hand on her crystal tell all ball. Talk about Rude and wasting my time and money! I know one thing this brain of mine functions well enough to write this review, my mouth runs well enough to speak what I feel about how unproffessional, rude and abrupt Elizabeth King is! So, I was still going to do the program. I had to start the very next day since she was going out of town. I called to talk with her about what I was supposed to do that next morning, and I asked her a couple questions, and she jumped down my throat about not worrying about other people, just worry about me. Hello, I was worried about me, that's why I asked some questions. I think that she didn't like that. Too bad, I needed more information. She used my time to ask questions, to talk on the phone to others!!! But in asking a couple of the questions, she told me she was taking me off the schedule because she din't think I was good for the program! OK, well I don't think it's right for me either if the person I am trusting to help me, is not on board with at least trying to be kind during the process. Wow, only go if you don't mind this woman trying to make you feel small, ill, ready for the grave, and ***. Buyer beware!!


Elizabeth King with only natural wellness

I have seen a lot of controversy on Elizabeth King. It was interesting to me how some people described their experience. I spent several weeks working with Elizabeth and I don't agree with many of the statements people said about her. However, there are those who found Elizabeth very brilliant and well educated in what she does. This was my experience as well. So for those of you who have read bad reviews on Elizabeth, know that she is a sharp, very intelligent English woman who has been doing this a long time and doesn't have time for failure. What she requests of you is sometimes difficult. She is trying to help you completely detox and clean your body out from all of the toxins and abuse we have put ourselves thru for years. Its stands to reason it wouldn't be simple. But she told me right off the back, if I wasn't committed, don't waste her time or MY money and I respect that. I really truly believe her overall goal is for you to heal and enjoy a better, healthy body. I have grown to love and respect her like a second mother. She lights up every time I talk to her and I know she is pleased with my results. To give you a bit more detail, SHE SAVED ME! My body was shutting down and I could barely get out of bed and no traditional doctor could explain why. I had one internal specialists tell me I had a partially blocked intestine and wanted to remove a portion of it but I knew my body couldn't handle the surgery and I felt there was more to it. After going to Elizabeth for weeks, I found out that blockage was large cocoon of parasites. I saw several after they had left my body, one over two feet long! It was amazing and incredibly shocking! I am very grateful for modern medicine and know there is a huge place for it, but I have no doubt that doctor would have removed that lump without even investigating it or realizing it was leaving its eggs behind. I passed dozens of stones from several organs. I had my gallbladder removed at the age of 25 for having stones. I learned the gallbladder doesn't produce stones, but they are made in the liver. The gallbladder simply helps to store them, break them up and pass them. I wish I would have known that before I let them yank mine out. As a result my liver was full of stones with no support. I also passed so much 'gravel' (the small beginnings of stones) that I could have made my own sand box! Long story short, I spent several weeks with Elizabeth. Most people don't have to go as long as I did, but i was really bad off and chuck full of horrible things. It may have seemed a bit pricey to some people, but I spent far less on following her advice then I would have in my insurance deductible to have the intestinal removal which, I am certain, would not have fixed much of anything! Please don't be mislead about Elizabeth and what she does. She is not a doctor and will not profess to be or try diagnoses you with anything. She does not focus on any disease or the NAME, but she will help you understand your body and what it needs to get and STAY HEALTHY! (No matter what traditional doctors have told you.) I truly believe that Elizabeth has found ways to tap into nature and is willing to teach you how to be natural and smart with your health! I refer people to her every week. My 22 step son has started seeing her. He was amazed at how incredible accurate she was on everything she told him. If you want to see a doctor that will be nice and gentle, pump you full of drugs and request you come see him often, then you shouldn't waste your time going to Only Natural Wellness. But if you really want to enjoy a new, clean body and understand how to continue to care for yourself so you only need a minor detox once every year or two, go see Elizabeth. She WILL change your life! THANKS YOU ELIZABETH! I truly look and feel fifteen years younger!


Don't Get Ripped Off By Elizabeth King

I found Elizabeth King to be brilliant regarding the colon. She helped me overcome my irritable bowel syndrome when no one else could. However, she never mentioned a cause, which after several years I found out to be Celiac Disease. That is the first thing she should have mentioned to me and so I kept on eating gluten and getting sick. My husband and I set an appointment with her to discuss what could be wrong with me. Elizabeth promptly sat me down and put my hand on this special mouse hooked to a computer/machine. It was sort of like some "crystal ball" that supposedly reads your body through contact with your hand. She started reading me all of the information that came up on the computer screen. She was so off it was scary. She said, "It says that you have pain in the right breast." I said, "Wrong. It is in the left breast." She said, "This machine is always right. It is YOUR body talking to it. It perfectly reads your body. The pain is just reverberating from your right breast to your left breast." She kept reading numerous things wrong with me off of her special machine. Not one thing was ringing true. She then said, "The machine says you have very low self-esteem and that you are very lonely." She looked at my husband and said, "Does this describe her?" And my husband said, "No, not at all." I had had bad self-esteem several years in the past, but now I had better self-esteem than ever. I asked her if she thought it could be a food allergy and she said it was definitely not. She pointed to an electric cord and said that my nerves were all frayed with the covering to the electrical nerves cords burnt off. My husband and I kept glancing at each other like she was nuts and the machine was definitely; well all I can say is the entire session was a rip off!!!! Elizabeth then took me off of this machine and escorted me into her inner office. There she brought out bottle after bottle of supplements. I said, "I am already taking tons of supplements. What about those?" She said "Oh, those aren't doing you any good. THESE are the ones you need girl." My husband and I gave each other long side glances knowing we were each getting the feeling that we are being taken. Elizabeth then asked my husband what his main concern was. He said, "When my wife gets really sick, she thinks she is going to die." Elizabeth said sternly to me, "Shame shame on you! You are putting undue stress on your poor husband." Well that was it. That was all that I could take. I already felt terrible for my husband having to go through all of this with me. But now some lady was telling me, through some crystal ball machine; that I am really physically ill with frayed nerve sheaths and low self-esteem ~ and on top of it all she was laying on the guilt for me unduly upsetting my husband. I am a really strong person with great self-esteem, but I was feeling so physically ill at the time I was in her office and I was so worn down that the tears started pouring down my cheeks and I could not stop crying. My husband then looked at Elizabeth and said, "You wait a minute here. My wife is so gracious. She says nothing most of the time and suffers deeply, working under the most excruciating pain and exhaustion. But it becomes unbearable at times and only then does she collapse; then and only then does she feel like she is going to die. She can't help it." And Elizabeth snapped back, "OH YES SHE CAN! She can totally control her body. Let me give you an example. I look at my arm when it is in pain and I say, "Body ~ I am not in pain…I do not feel pain" and the pain goes away. Your wife is in control of it all. By just saying "˜Pain go away' it will." By now, I was sobbing. We paid her $200.00 and walked out her door. Right after the appointment with Elizabeth King I had an appointment with my hair stylist. I was crying all the way there. I called my husband (who went in another car) and asked him what he thought of our appointment with Elizabeth King and he said, "I am so f!@#$%ing sick and tired people that take us for money when we are desperate to find a cure. That machine was bull#$%&. It was all bull#$%&*!" I pulled up in front of my hair stylist's but I couldn't go in. I was crying too hard. I felt totally traumatized. I just couldn't stop. I love cosmetics and I looked in the mirror. My fake eyelashes were falling off and mascara was everywhere. I had to sit in my car a long time waiting to gain composure after feeling completely traumatized by Elizabeth King. When I got home my husband was so angry at Elizabeth that he could hardly see straight. He finally was able to find her machine on the Internet (he called it the "metallic Mickey Mouse glove") and found out that it is a scam marketed by a multi-level company out of Provo, Utah, and that the company is being investigated for public stock fraud!!! In addition to this bad experience, Elizabeth was extremely angry at anyone who was late for their appointments. She would thank me for being on time but she would complain and moan about those who were late. I guess hypocrisy fits her well. I would sometimes wait up to an hour to be seen and the last couple of times I had to stand and wait because her sofa was covered with cat hair and I am allergic to cats. Meanwhile her dog kept coming and licking my toes ~ it was an unprofessional waiting area to have to things like that going on in addition to her being late. She was incredibly rude, had an awful bedside manner and in addition she seems to be deeply scarred psychologically. In that last appointment Elizabeth decided to tell us a story to show us how we can be scarred by our past (little did she know that I am a therapist and highly trained ~ I guess she would have known that had she simply asked). She related to us a long story about how she was the "ugly" one growing up and how the other siblings were the pretty ones. She said that she felt totally rejected by her father. She started crying ~ which was weird because on the outside she seems like a total rock hard piece of ice. It was my session but she must have gone on for 20 minutes about her youth. She obviously has not gotten over it and from what both my husband and I both observed, she could use a good psychotherapist. All of this is a shame because I do believe she has a great understanding of the colon, and I understand that she goes abroad and gives charitable work to help others. Although, again she totally missed the most obvious diagnosis ~ Celiac Disease, which we have now read that when a clinician sees irritable bowel syndrome, that is the first thing that they should suggest that their patient gets checked for.


Unbelievably offensive and unprofessional

I purchased a series of hydrotherapy sessions off of Groupon for Elizabeth King's colon cleanse Only Natural Wellness Center. I recently moved here from Seattle where I had a wonderful hydrotherapist, so I am familiar with how a well-run, experienced, professional, kind, CERTIFIED, clean and high-tech hydrotherapy center should operate. My experience with Elizabeth Kind was anything but. I walked in, took my shoes off (per the posted signs) and went upstairs. Elizabeth was helping another client, so I sat down and waited. She finished and came out of the room. I said hello. Without making eye contact or introducing herself, she told me to sit down and she'd be with me in a moment. After a few moments, again without even looking at me, she asked if I had my voucher. I said yes and got up to give it to her. She told me to be seated and she would be with me in a moment. Seriously?? She stated, "this is your second appointment." I said, "no, this is the first time I've been here. I have two other appointments scheduled after this." She said, "it says this is your second appointment." I said, "it is incorrect. I've never been here before and have never met you." She then told me to put my coat downstairs on the coat rack. I asked if I could keep it with me (it's a new, not-cheap winter coat). She said, "please put it downstairs." I obliged. She then took me into the room where she proceeded to give a series of instructions. I felt like I was in trouble. After disrobing and getting situated (please note, there was plenty of room for my coat to have been with the rest of my clothes in the restroom), she came in and began the session by starting the flow of the liquid into my body. I had never been on a machine like this before. I'm used to quality equipment. I told her when I was ready to release. She told me to do it. I looked at her inquisitively and she said, "push, push, push!" As embarrassing and uncomfortable as it was, I did. If anyone has had hydrotherapy before, if you suffer from food allergies and/or digestive issues, which I do (thus the reason I was at the freaking place), you know that you may have gas during this session. Well, I did. She berated me for it. She then told me to clench for the next fill. I did. She said, "Clench harder. I can still hear dripping. Do you hear the dripping? Do you have a weak pelvic floor?" I told her, "No one has ever critiqued my pelvic floor." She said, "well, no one would tell you that, you would know because you can't seem to clench." At this point, I was totally mortified and nearing my breaking point. I did not pay to be insulted by a pompous ***. She then turned on a dvd about silver fillings and the mercury poisoning it causes and left. Never have I experienced craziness like this. I went through my series, cleaned up and dressed. As I was leaving, she told me to take a probiotic. I said, "Yes, absolutely. I actually already do daily." She said, "well, you may want to consider increasing the dosage because it doesn't seem to be helping you." I left. I will never return for my remaining two appointments. I will not cancel them because I want her to sit there and wait for me. I want my no-show appointments to prevent someone else from experiencing this horrible treatment. I will post this anywhere I possibly can to hopefully save someone from her rude, insensitive, insulting and incredibly uncalled for behavior.


Rude condescending judgemental business owner

At the Only Natural Wellness Center in Draper, Utah, Elizabeth king is the most abrasive personality I have come in contact with. She runs a hydrocolonic business out of her home and she is judgmental and unpleasant. She will be angry with you if things don't go just the way she likes. In a business like this, a client needs to have an attendant wit a good bedside manner. She is nothing of the sort. I can't imagine she has any return customers. She will tell you you have a problem! Make sure you tell her upfront that you have. Digestive issues or she will try to prove to you that you do. Hopefully you didn't buy a coupon because if you did, she will be extra rude. She told me I had a brain problem for forgetting to print my coupon.

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