mcginley-and-sons-heating-and-air-conditioning Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning

McGinley and Sons Heating and Air Conditioning

1/5 - based on 1 review

McGinley and Sons Heating and Air Conditioning Overview

McGinley and Sons Heating and Air Conditioning has a 1-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 148th position out of 200 companies.


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Contact Information

(866) 218-0360

178 Robbins Road, Rindge, New Hampshire, 03461, United States

McGinley and Sons Heating and Air Conditioning Reviews


Unfinished contract $7,500.- loss

Mr. William McGinley signed a contract with me for $15,000.- for an on demand water heater and a mini-split Heat Pump HVAC system. His crew hung part of the water heater on our basement wall, left our basement doors open, and left the job. They came back a few days later, did just a little more work, left our home unsecured again and never came back despite several promises to complete the job. I paid a $7,500.- deposit to get the job started. Mr. McGinley promised a partial refund several times buy has NEVER fulfilled any of his several promises. Filing suit in Small Claims Court and filing criminal charges against him. Enjoining his assets, tools, vehicles, and real estate holdings. Im a 100% disabled veteran and havent the financial resources to complete this work absent restitution.

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