mayflower-takeaway Reviews
Food Delivery

MayFlower Takeaway

0/5 - based on 1 review

MayFlower Takeaway Overview

MayFlower Takeaway has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Food Delivery category, it secures the 189th position out of 230 companies.


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Contact Information

+44 207 372 4160

37 Malvern Road, London, England, NW6 5PS, United Kingdom

MayFlower Takeaway Reviews


May Flower Chinese Take Out Late Delivery

First time ordered it, it was delivered late by 30 mins or so. Tried my luck with ordering again for the benefit of the doubts, but it was late by just over 20mins. Not going to order from them again. when food is delivered late, it turns cold and that's not how food should be served. The food itself is fine after re-heat, but the trouble of it kind of defeats the purpose of a take out, might as well buy oven meals for that matter. Hope the issue is addressed or no more re-visits from me.

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