kobie-kooling Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning

Kobie Kooling

2/5 - based on 1 review

Kobie Kooling Overview

Kobie Kooling has a 2-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 192th position out of 200 companies.


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Contact Information


(239) 482-1542

4697 Elevation Way, Fort Myers, Florida, 33905, United States

Kobie Kooling Reviews


Owner is either Ignorant or Lying!

The owner of Kobe Cooling is either ignorant or lying in his radio ads being snooty and criticizing UV Lights in heating/cooling systems. He claims they are fraudulent. He is wrong and his misinformation is BAD FOR THE PUBLIC. Many studies, including one in 2017 by DukeHealth.org show the benefits of such UV systems. Kobe obviously does not SELL THESE SYSTEMS, and that's fine. But don't LIE in your ads knocking others who do! And no...I am not his competitor! I am just an angry FtMyers resident who has had great experience with a UV system and mold in my home here.

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