innovair-corporation Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning

Innovair Corporation

1.2/5 - based on 1 review

Innovair Corporation Overview

Innovair Corporation has a 1.2-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 170th position out of 200 companies.


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Innovair Corporation Reviews


No Warranty Coverage - Horrible Customer Service

Updated by user Aug 07, 2023
After at one point when they offered ti replace the entire system. Since " would be less expensive for us to send you an entire unit and that will save you money on having to charge the partial unit..."They are still standing behind their decision to back out of...

Original review Jul 06, 2023
We purchased several of the Quantum model heat pump Mini-Splits from Innivair online. We own and maintain 35 rental units in town. Over the past 3 years we have installed 16 Innovair heat pumps. This complaint is about the unit in our main office. (We had a similar issue with one of their units leaking in a couple of our rentals) A local A.C. company installed the unit. Less than a year later the A.C. stopped getting as cold as it had been previously . This was early Fall and we forgot about it until the weather changed and at the end of October we realized we did not have any heat. We scheduled and paid for a technician to look at the unit and they advised us to contact the manufacture. On Nov 15, 2022 Innovair gave us a Ticket # and started giving us items to check. We followed their advice and nothing was working so then they said we needed to hire a technician to look at it and to have the tech call them while at our place. The tech did, he did the test they requested and Innovair decided it was an electronic problem and said they would send the replacement part. over 3 weeks later the part cam in and we had to pay for another service call to have a tech come and replace the part. We followed thru and the tech, after installing the electronic part suggested their may be an issue with the gas in the unit. The heat worked for the rest of the day but the next morning it stopped again. We called Innovair again and they had us get another tech and they gave us a list of things for the tech to check. This time they checked the electronics and also checked the gas. It was low so they charged the unit and called Innovair while they were here and Innovair determined there was an issue with the fan. Innovair took several weeks to get the part both "Approved" and sent to us. We paid for another tech visit to get the fan installed. At this point the unit would try to run and continually shut off. The tech said their was still an issue with the gas in the system and charged it once again. Once again we contacted Innovair and once again they tried to insist that was not the issue (the gas) I sent photos of the spot the tech found where it was leaking and Innovair wouldn't accept them. But they said we needed to get the tech out again, have them charge the system and then get video proof of the leak. So we paid again and got the video. It took a couple of weeks but they finally approved replacing just the inside half of the system. So we would have to pay a tech to install it and pay them to charge the system again. A couple of phone calls over the next 2 weeks continually got the response, "We are waiting on the warehouse to approve it now: On June 28m 2023 (over 8 months of No Heat and No A.C.) I received a call from Sam with Innovair. He was very apologetic and said his supervisor and himself were very upset this had gone on so long and they were sending us a complete system. That would eliminate any possible further issues plus would keep us from paying for another re-charge of the system. Sam said I would be receiving a tracking # either that afternoon or the next morning. He also sent an email in addition to the phone call. During this fiasco I had left a fair but low rating review on Google. I called on the 30th about the tracking # and was told they did no have it yet but would contact me. I called again on July 3rd and was told they didn't have it yet. On July 5th someone from Innovair called and said they sent an email that I needed to respond to in order for them to get the unit sent out. I looked and couldn't find it. I checked my Spam folder and still could not locate it so I called them back. I was then told that they had seen my Google review and would not send the unit out until i removed the negative review and I asked if the review voided my warranty and they said I just need to respond to the email and remove the review. I emailed them 3 times on the 5th and called 4 times to say I still had not received the email and that I think it is probably illegal to hold back covering a warranty over a review, Now on July 6th, I still have not received this email and I have called 3 times trying to speak to a supervisor. They have horrendous customer service and I have read in more than one place on line about others having issues with Innovair honoring their warranties. They are doing their best to encourage us not to purchase anymore of their products.

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