gmc-heating-and-cooling Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning

GMC Heating And Cooling

1/5 - based on 1 review

GMC Heating And Cooling Overview

GMC Heating And Cooling has a 1-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 141th position out of 200 companies.


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GMC Heating And Cooling Reviews


I was lied to about heat exchanger being cracked and was sold a new furnace when I did not need a new furnace.

Updated by user Oct 08, 2020
GMC heating and cooling never contacted me. They lied about the heat exchanger being cracked and are not a trust worthy company to deal with.

Original review Sep 08, 2020
On July 28th 2020 GMC Heating and Cooling, Inc. came onsite to my home because I was having a AC issue. The blower motor in my furnace was not pushing out any AIR. The GMC tech told me that the blower motor was bad but he also explained to me that I needed a new furnace based on the heat exchanger being cracked. He then showed me a pictures he took directly from his cell phone of my furnace claiming it was the heat exchanger being cracked. I asked the GMC tech are you sure the furnace needs replaced and he said absolutely. Due the crack in the heat exchanger it would omit deadly c02 gas. The entire basis of me having to purchase a new furnace was based on the fact that GMC told me there where cracks in my heat exchanger and it would omit deadly c02 gas. The Tech supported this claim with pictures he showed me that where taken directly from his cell phone stating this is your heat exchanger and it is cracked. Prior to GMC coming on site to replace the furnace, I called GMC heating and coolings main office and had them send me the pictures of the cracks of the heat exchanger. The email attachment shown below is what GMCs main office send me substantiating the cracks in the heat exchanger. The GMC techs came onsite and replaced my furnace on 08/04/2020. After they where done with the furnace replacement, I asked them to show me the physical cracks in the heat exchanger based on the pics taken by GMC. There where 2 techs on site and they could not find any cracks in the heat exchanger. I then called GMCs main office and requested a supervisor to come onsite, after about 1.5 hours of further inspecting the furnace at my house, the GMC supervisor finally explained that the pictures where an entirely different part of the furnace not the heat exchanger and that it had a carbon build up. The carbon build up could have been fixed with a simple cleaning. After realizing I was lied to about the heat exchanger, I explained to the tech I wanted to talk directly to the owner of GMC. In about 1 hour I received a call back from the owner of GMC, as I was explaining all the issues he got irate with the evidence I was presenting to him and told me he never wants to speak with me again and hung the phone up in my ear. I then sent GMC 3 emails asking how my warranty for 2 year labor and 10 years parts will be taken care of because they now refuse to speak with me. I have not heard anything back. I am outraged by the fact that GMC lied about the heat exchanger being crack and I was conned into purchasing a new furnace when I did not need one. Attached is a screen shot of the email I received from GMC when I called in requesting the pictures that where taken of my heat exchanger.

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