globalspecial-xyz Reviews

GlobalSpecial Xyz

0/5 - based on 1 review

GlobalSpecial Xyz Overview

GlobalSpecial Xyz has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Weddings category, it secures the 38th position out of 51 companies.


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GlobalSpecial Xyz Reviews


Stay away from unethical! is a Russian adult website that posts stolen or hijacked email addresses without the owners' permission. No reputable website does this. They have absolutely no right to do this! What they are doing is extremely unethical! But this doesn't surprise me considering how desperate they must be to get people to visit their website. Even though the email addresses do not have the host or domain names, the usernames are unique and if someone has used their full name, can easily identify them. Who wants to be associated with an ethical website like this? Stay away from this website. It is run by very unethical people.

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