gastrofroid Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning


1.2/5 - based on 1 review

Gastrofroid Overview

Gastrofroid has a 1.2-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 169th position out of 200 companies.


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Gastrofroid Reviews


Mafia-driven company

I ordered 2 costly professional refrigerators from this company, officially based in France, but located in Luxemburg. They rip me off as the refrigerators didn't properly work. The accessories were missing. Cherry on the cake, this bunch of thieves charged me twice. It was never possible to get a refund, the accessories. Later on we got insulting emails from one of the mafia owner Marie Claude La Delfa also called Marie Claude Sherag. It was never possible to get someone on the phone. The Luxemburg police refused to help. And one year later the company disappeared. It reappeared as Gastrodirect, but the song remained the same

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