excella-consulting Reviews

Excella Consulting

2.3/5 - based on 5 reviews

Excella Consulting Overview

Excella Consulting has a 2.3-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 5 customers. In the Consulting category, it secures the 29th position out of 132 companies.


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Contact Information


(703) 840-8600

2300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Arlington, Virginia, 22201, United States

Contact Excella Consulting Customer Service

Excella Consulting Reviews


Resolved: Lost my card

Updated by user Jul 16, 2023

Company resolved the issue.

Original review Jun 16, 2023
Lost my card 2 weeks ago and still didnt get any answer or a replacement card.very unprofessional i had provided my information not a response at all.i will not recommend this card to anyone.


Lost my card

My name is Jose R Gonzalez,trying too report my card.just lost it am trying too put a stop on it.please if anything can reach me at +134******** contact me anytime or send me a direct message or email me at Gatonegro150.rp@***.com or contact me any way will be really appreciated the help


Never got my deposit money from payomatic

On aug the 13 i had went to a payomatic and i had deposit $300.00 on my excella card and i keep calling and nobody wants to help me am very up set cause that was my money to buy food for my 3 little kids and now i dont have any money to buy any food now for my kid i want my money back i still have my slip that i got from the payomatic lady with all the information on it if i dont here from somebody to give me back my cash i will be sure to get a lawyer


Constituents issue Constituent issues

Trying to speak with a representative my name is Ms. Sabrina Ellis Senate Constituent Liaison Specialist New York State Senator Cordell Cleare Office



Excella keeps deactivating my card on payday and denied my attempts to pay my bills. This has been going on for 3 months.

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