dcpups Reviews


1/5 - based on 4 reviews

DcPups Overview

DcPups has a 1-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 4 customers. In the Animals category, it secures the 38th position out of 127 companies.


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(703) 261-9816

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DcPups Reviews


It has been totally fine.

My ex has two dogs from them, and my dog is absolutely gorgeous and smart. They were always nice. I don’t know why you guys are complaining.


Toy breed——-yeah right

Updated by user Aug 09, 2019
Took advantage of an older couple——sold them a puppy knowing very well, he was not going to be a toy breed. Does not want to now do the right thing by reimbursing the difference

Original review Aug 09, 2019
Sold my parents a toy puppy who is now a 10 pound yorkie. Paperwork sent home with puppy described him as a toy breed. Vet documentation and current weight clearly supports they did not buy what was sold to them. The owners did not want to address the issue and do the right thing. Reimburse the difference between the toy price tag and full size price tag. Buyer beware if you are wanting toy breed


Paid for toy breed and got full size dog

Bought a toy yorkie but ended up with a 10 pound dog which we love. Just wanted reimbursement of difference between toy price and regular price, in which we all know that you pay for those toy breeds. The paperwork we got with the puppy states toy breed. The supporting documentation from vet as well as current weight, supports we paid for something we didn’t get. DC pup owner did not want to address this issue and ignored our request. Out of sight, out of mind. They didn’t do the right thing!!!!


DC Pups in VA Rip Off

Well first off, I did ask about the parents on premises for Dc Pups, I was told yes and they deal only with reparable breeders. Upon doing a little bit more reviewing it turns out that DC Pups come from Puppy Mills by a man name Yoder who has many complaints against him. The place is just a small little place but when you walk in and they supposedly have everything you ordered including the pup the guy just sat there. I had to remind him of everything that I checked for because I took a picture. I had to pay for a vet check that I did not receive with any kind of documentation verifying this information to be true just a typed paper with charges that seem very bizarre and no vets name what so ever listed on this sheet. I had to pay $20 for pet meds that when I looked them up were for live big stock such as horses, cows, donkeys, goats, etc...not a puppy that weighs just 2 lbs 14 oz. It was over kill with the meds and when you take meds to a vet and they do not know anything about what they are that is bad. However I did do my research and found this medication to come in a gallon jug so of course it would be cheaper to put doses like this in a syringe and sell it why not, they are not looking out for the well being of the puppy but only looking out for the well being of their pockets. I had to pay $10 for frontline flea and tick welll the puppy has done nothing but itch since I got him I give him an oatmeal bath  2-3 times a week so he won't scratch. I paid $50.00 for a health certificate that I never received and I had to pay $20 for transition essentials what that was I will never know. They offer a warranty you have to subscribe for. I wish I would have did more checking into this place before purchasing my puppy. I had lost my best friend my German Shepherd Radar and had a rough year with losing 2 grandmothers in one year and right after them my Radar. My heart was shattered and I just wanted a little furbaby to take care of and love until I can bring myself to buy another German Sheperd. Reading one review stated they offer a 10 year warranty that is so wrong and very misleading. The other 2 reviews I read were pretty much on target for DC pups I have been to the vet numerous times. I have called DC pups asking for the health record and I was told I have it that typed piece of paper with a copy of a sticker that has shots on it. I do not have the original so I am not sure if the puppy ever had his shots. I called and ask for the vet name and number and was told he didn't have access to it right now. If this place sells puppies they should know the vet information with no problem but not him. I called again and he gives me some name of a hospital called Bethel who didn't know what I was talking about. I tried to call and work things out with them and I was told "You should have did your homework before purchasing the pup" right there in that statement alone tells me he knows he is ripping people off so I am going to contact every organization I know that deal with the neglect and careless, heartless people that sell puppy mill dogs. It's wrong and these people should be ashamed. God takes care of his people and I am one of gods children so they one day will realize what it's like when they get shut done for the neglect of such precious little puppies. Never again will I buy from these people and word travels fast and I will let everyone know what kind of place DC pups really is it's a complete RIP OFF. Do not buy from them

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