club-starz Reviews

Club Starz

0/5 - based on 1 review

Club Starz Overview

Club Starz has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Entertainment category, it secures the 325th position out of 387 companies.


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There are no contacts for Club Starz yet.

Club Starz Reviews


Club Starz scams and is not fun or great! Stay away!

A guy by the name of Scott Leotti is the "CEO" of this and is a big scam. Don't waste your money on this club in any locations especially in Arizona. I worked with the guy just to make money and heard the club wasn't even great from friends that went. This dude has owed me about $300 over the past few months (4 to be exact). Calls himself "not shady" and a CEO haha but can't pay up $300. I even reduced the amount to pay me $250 and he still can't pay up. Says "he doesn't have the money". Don't even work as a promoter for them. I got paid for the first two events I did and as soon as I do my best he doesn't pay up.

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