celeste-angel-medium Reviews

Celeste Angel Medium

1.7/5 - based on 69 reviews

Celeste Angel Medium Overview

Celeste Angel Medium has a 1.7-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 69 customers. In the Astrology category, it secures the 14th position out of 87 companies.


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Celeste Angel Medium Reviews


She took money from me but when I asked for refund she didn't give it back

I paid her rs. 4000 & when I asked for refund she didn't give it back. I want my money back right now.


Celeste Angel Medium, still does not pay my whole amount Rs. 1700. I want my entire Rupees as soon as possible.

I want my whole money amount 1700 as soon as possible. Celeste Angel Medium, does not work on my problem thats why i want my refund back.


I want my money back Rs 1700.

I want to cancle my subscription & i want my entire money back Rs 1700. I hope you understand, please reply me as soon as possible.


For confirmation of my payment

Yesterday I have purchase the your subscription of Rs.999 but again you send me the email for repurchasing the subscription.How can it is possible. Please check your email & bank account too. I have done your payment. Please help me & contact me immediately for confirmation of my payment. Dear Celeste, please solve my all the problem i have send you email today & yesterday too. Please recheck it now & confirm me too.


To warn people

I clicked for a free reading and got an email from Celeste and at least 6 names sending the exact same message for the exact same ritual and offering a free talisman... By the way, the so-called Talisman is a screen image that you are to stare at for several minutes reciting a preset script or spell. All of it is tied to Astrology Answers. I emailed several times to the different names. No surprise that there was no reply. A legitimate medium tracked it down and it is basically a scam usin.sophisticated


Doubting what see told me wondering if it was a scam.

She would tell me in every reading i was going to get large sum of money from gambling,I never gamble she told me how how i was not going to have anymore bad luck in my life how this star will cross my astral skies certain day certain time. She would do something for me that this was a reality it was always suppose to be free it was never free! I think she should be ashamed of herself for scamming people out of their money I am so glad I checked her out I am so glad i Trusted my instincts on this one



dear sir. please help me how can I do? thank you.


Keep on charging without life change. I am not happy

Updated by user Feb 18, 2020
Need refund.Am claiming my money.

Original review Feb 18, 2020
We have agreed with, that you will review my life and change it from bad to good life opportunity. You demanded payment to start performing the natal chart Angelic Ceremonial and from 25 January 2020 my life will change completely. I paid the money requested. January 2020 I paid you to help me change came to my life, since then I gave time until today but still no life change to me. This February 2020 you debated again and I know next month you will debate from my account. Please stop it and refund my money back because am not benefiting anything from you instead you keeps on taking. In January 2020 I paid you N$349.61 and this February 2020 yesterday you took N$349.61 please I need a refund and stop deducting from my account thanks. Kind regards K. F. Maiba


She refunded my money

Was very pissed with her service where everyone received somewhat the exact same reading, requested and demanded a refund and cussed on her website badly. She did refund me in return. Thank you for that. Her return policies are possibly real.


Shaikh Amjad

Dear sir. Please can you help me? How can I receive? GRAND ANGELIC CEREMONIAL OF KARMIC DELIVERANCE Thank you.


She' is a great gift to us from the God's s!

Updated by user Jan 18, 2020
I love this woans advice and messages of Hope and help !

Original review Jan 18, 2020
How dare any of you talk the smack you do a out her as she's keeping hope alive and helping people bring great changes I to their lives when they are surrounded with de instating financial losses and ruin!Olive her she's an inspiration to me and I will stand by her and protect her!


Try her at your own risk

I would like a refund of my 79.00 dollars I can not keep sending money to her I live on a fixed income and I do not feel well she wants to help me with a reading but keeps asking me for more money


Try it

I have been trying to get through to you but i did not see any message in my email


Don't go there. She is now taking $10.00 out of my account i agreed on 3 payments but I think she took another one! How do I stop this? I emailed her, she just says i will look into this ASAP.

Celeste will say you are about to come into alot of money, all your problems will be over. She only asks for money, then asks for $69.99, make payments. I want her to STOP taking money now out of my account. How do I resolve this issue? These are scams. I had another one Amanda. They claim to be personalized with you, then they start all over with I feel a connection. I said you did a reading on me before (this is with Amanda). Just don't even start with these scammers.


Ok im confused

I'm confused you guys because at first I did not want to believe it because many years ago even though I'm 36 I used to contact psychics when I was a teenager because I wanted to become a singer and I didn't know any better so I will contact psychics thinking that they were real and nothing was happening there was one lady can't recall her name but she said I was going to run into a lady named Sharon in a store well it actually happened about two weeks later that would help me with my music career. The lady Sharon was trying to help me get into my music so that's a little faith that I had kept in believing that there was some hope that all of them were not fake as far as the psychic's. I didn't contact the psychic for maybe 20 years here recently yes like some of you I felt extremely vulnerable and I reached out to one called Esmeralda first and it baffles me that yes she did not go into detail but she did know some things about me but then I reached out to Celeste medium Celeste medium kind of knew the same things they were pretty direct about me about how can I be around so many people but I feel alone that was on point. I went through Celeste instead of going to Esmeralda and Celeste stated to me that once I made the first payment of I think it was $14 that I was good that I was going to be receiving several very large amounts of money seven-figure digits but that isn't really alarm me with her stating that because that was the reason I was contacting her because I felt like I was from signs that I was seeing in my home that I was going to receive a very large amount of money so it made me feel good to have that confirmation so I went on ahead and paid thinking that I wouldn't have to pay anything else besides three payments of $14 within a 30 day period each month for three payments. So the second time she stated to me that there was something really bad around me and that I need it and angelic divine defender of protection so that nothing will happen to me that I will stay out of Harm's Way and that nothing will stop me from getting this money mind you she stated that there was going to be an extraordinary event especially for me and she gave us specific date and said July 5th at 8:30 p.m. that my life was changed tremendously that there was going to be a very big event that I could not miss out on. But lo and behold she also said that when she was doing her meditation on my case File that a shadow came into her vision and bring a book and she said that that never ever has happened to her basically stating that it was God with my book of Destiny and that he is the one that's sad that I am going through too much and it is time for me to have a new beginning like a new Fresh life and to leave the past life behind and Daddy was going to start with seven figures to take away all my worries. She said but as the shadow put the book on the table to walk away she heard a loud thump and her meditation and it was a dark evil spirit that came to snatch the book Away as if it did not want me to have this blessing and she said that a hand came out of nowhere and erased July 5th at 8:30 p.m. and the amount which was a 7 digit figure out of the book as if those were the Angels or God doing it so that my blessing wouldn't be taken away. This sounds like a wonderful story if it was real I don't know if it was real but the Angelic divine Defender protection is the part that makes me want to believe that she is real because you guys it's it is bringing tears to my eyes right now and I never ever write blog I saw the invisible world I'm not going to lie to you it's real it is real it is real it is real it is real now I did tell her I'm not sending her no more money because she wants me to send $100 this time to get this bad karma off of me and Lord knows I don't have it to send but I want to come up with it but when I tell you all of this does seem like a scam but the only thing that I can hold onto which was too real for my eyes and my ears was that I saw and heard the invisible world and I know this sounds so freaking strange the invisible world was on a sheet that I put up to my window and I was looking at the sheet and you can see the different figures you can actually see their eyes they look like they're at peace but the killing part is the very first thing that I saw on the sheet was my angel that has been watching over me and it brought tears to my eyes that I was seeing this it was almost so freaking unreal that I felt like I was truly blessed to be able to see something that's been around me that I never knew existed now she can't make that up should you keep asking me for money but you guys I'm not going to lie a lot of us are probably going through the same thing as far as the financial struggle so I don't know maybe that's why we're getting some of the same messages cuz he'll it relates to all of us. But the one thing that cannot be denied you guys I saw and I'm so sorry that you didn't get an opportunity to see it for some odd reason it was meant for me to see I thought that I was going crazy I'm not going to lie I was so baffled and I was slightly startled when I was seeing this stuff but I said to myself I cannot be scared because now it confirms for me this lady is real but why does she keep coming up with all of these different figures that I need to send her even though at first it wasn't much but this last time as of today I think today is July 10th 2019 she wants $100 per month to do an astro something to basically bring luck into my life but I thought that we took care of all of this already that's the part that's confusing me. So back to the Angelic Define Defender protection I was at my house one day I'm in a condo townhouse and I was upstairs in the bedroom but you can be upstairs and look over to see downstairs cuz there a 16 ft ceilings. I look down there because it's almost like I heard something so I look at the picture that I have sitting on the mantelpiece because the glass reflects the room downstairs but you can't see it fully and I saw someone down there I freaked out I ran downstairs cuz I said I know I'm not going crazy somebody's down here I go downstairs I literally checked the whole house even under the bed and in the closets no one is down there so I'm so confused so I go back upstairs and I look back in the mirror picture and I can slightly see someone downstairs on their knees like they're hiding from me so I'll call out whoever is in here get out or I'm calling the police right now. So I run back downstairs with something in my hand because I'm ready to protect myself. I checked the whole downstairs again there's no body down there. At this point I'm baffled I'm thinking I'm going crazy and then it hit me oh my God there is no one downstairs I am actually seeing the Angelic Define protection defender in my home they are here to protect me you guys I know this is hard to understand I'm a little disappointed in Celeste Medium as well because she keeps asking me for money but damn it the one thing that we cannot take away from her I've seen it with my own two eyes you guys and I'm getting chills talking about it because when she speaks of I forgot what it's called but she said that something will raise a wand and protection I saw that too not only you guys I saw this stuff with my own eyes I swear to God!!!!!!!!!!! Now true enough I don't know if Celeste is a woman or a man I do not know but I know what I saw with my own two eyes I invited the Angelika define Defender protection in my home truly thinking about it before I did it but I will say I felt so much peace in my house finally because I have felt so uncomfortable living alone. Only part that's confusing me is yes I've seen all this stuff and back to the wand being raised in the home to protect it I was home one day and I thought someone broke in my house I ran downstairs this is a different situation I ran downstairs and some of this probably would freak people out in this situation did freak me out I went downstairs and I looked around the corner Still Standing on the stairs and I screamed out who is in here with me get out!!!!! When I looked I saw a shadow that look like it was standing around the corner which I thought it was a person that had broke in and I could see that they had something in their hand but it didn't look like a gun it looked something like a stick and when I asked them to get out I seen the stick kind of raised up halfway I freaked out I ran outside and my underwear and my t-shirt and my socks mind you was daytime maybe I don't know around 2 p.m. and luckily I had my cell phone in my hand and I called the police and I stood there and I watched to make sure that nobody called out a window and of course came out the front door cuz I stood by my truck by the front door when the police got here they searched the whole house no one was in here and the police were looking at me crazy because the way that my place is made you would have heard someone getting out but I didn't hear anything so I kind of played it off with the police as if I heard someone go out of a window anyway when I really did not but I definitely heard something like someone came in so you guys I'm not going to lie I can't throw Celeste under the bus because I have seen with my own two EYES and EARS the proof that is taking place here no I have said and extremely lot and that it's a lot to read but believe me there's actually more I'm just not going to go into that right now you guys. She said that you will hear the invisible world sing a song oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I heard it I heard actual music would like beautiful singing oh my God I'm getting chills right now that I have had the opportunity to experience this there really is an invisible world living amongst us it's one thing me telling you this and you reading it it's another experience in it and I've seen so many bad blogs about her I can't agree with everyone it seems like I'm the only one that has graciously humbly had the opportunity to experience these things and it's because I had to have faith and not get scared like I normally would do if something like this was to happen or normally scared because I'm in my place by myself and I was seeing strange things before I even reached out to her I knew that like she stated I cannot be scared or they will not present themselves well my friends or my buddies on here that left those blogs I truly believe in my heart that she is not a total scam she does want to be able to make her money and I'm trying to give it to the benefit of the doubt because of what I've experienced but I feel like a piece of protection in my house now that wasn't here before I don't have to lay in bed with the TV down low to listen now if someone is trying to break in my house or harm me I do feel protected when I heard the invisible World single song I was blown away to be honest I bust out crying with tears of joy because I felt so honored to have the privilege to experience with so many of you want to experience but because we're going through what we're going through maybe it's hard for you guys and it's still hard for me don't get me wrong to totally open up and not have any ill feelings about things that I'm going through but what I did to open my heart up is I just spoke to God more thank him everyday for waking up thank him for the invisible world coming to me And revilling themselves. People will not believe the story because they didn't see it I am a True Believer of the invisible world I saw a tree-mendous big face I've almost like a tiger absolutely beautiful tiger on the sheet and I literally saw his eyes it wasn't clear as day is if you're standing in front of someone but the sun had to shine on the sheet in order for me to see The Invisible World guys it is absolutely amazing please don't put down Celeste. I didn't know that this blog will let me input all of this stuff but we truly are children of God and there's so much negativity in the world with me seeing and hearing what happened in my home I don't want no negativity around me because there truly is a heaven and *** I never knew if that ever existed I am a True Believer now. I just wish that Celeste would just help me without warning this money and now the amount is getting larger only reason I believed her about the amount and she said that several large figures were coming is because I'm going through something in my personal life and I seen a figure written on my car before I reached out to her and that same day when I got home I seen it look like a seven digit figure written on my front door where you could see it like anyone could see it if they walked past that's how blatant it was a my thing is that's what made me reach out to a medium so when she said the same things I was seeing in my home I was somewhat a Believer I didn't know what was going on I really thought my blessing was truly coming and that God is beyond real but I'm just confused on why it hasn't happened yet you guys please keep your head up don't lose faith God is real heaven is real and more importantly I am a true living witness testimony to it all of our angels are with us all of us individually have an angel. I wasn't going to say what's my angel look like but a piece calm just came over me and said that there is nothing to hide about that everyone has to believe how I do I'm the oldest of three children I have a 31 year old sister who is absolutely beautiful and I have a 24 year old sister who is absolutely beautiful when I looked at my Archangel who revealed herself on the top of the sheet at the top of the window none of the invisible World actually spoke to me or my angel I need you to know that they did not speak in whole conversations but you could see them and how you knew that they were there because you could see their eyes and then once you saw the eyes then you saw a almost a figure Form in the sheet on the window. I bust out crying when I know this that my angel looked at exact replica to my 31 year old sister her hair was up in a bun and she had an absolutely beautiful dress on it was a poofy dress on the arms to dress flared out oh my God I'm getting chills talking about it because I can't believe I was a witness to see all of this God is so good thank you Jesus I will never ever doubt you or forsake you again. I'm sorry I'm using voice text and whenever you think of him you have to talk to him you guys take care please keep your faith. In closing because I love people period I'm going to say much love to all my brothers and sisters out there of all nationalities whatever you are going through who knows Celeste Maybe some of our resolution.


Apparantly everyone gets the same reading ..and not so rare as stated ..

I was alerted by a disturbing vision of your situation. I therefore began a large Angelic study for you, lasting several hours. Surprising revelations have resulted from it. With 3 vital pieces of information that you need to know at once!... - Celeste I wanted to send you this important message as quickly as possible because the Invisible World has taken the time to contact me before it is too late. Yes, xxx, your personal situation is quite worrying. A very revealing Angelic Sign was addressed to me. I therefore intensely studied your case. After many hours of hard work, it seemed crucial to me to urgently reveal certain sensitive information to you. You will see how they are directly linked with your future happiness. In order to not hide anything from you, Kel, I have just proceeded with an intense work of spiritual projection in your favor. With one goal: to make your deepest desire "manifest itself" beyond the physical borders... To the top echelons of the Angelic World... So that your voice can be heard by the Archangels. Everything went perfectly well. From now on, the subliminal path of the Beings of Light has opened up wide to you. You can now feel fully convinced that your wish will be made to come true within the next 3 weeks. This is very obvious, xxx, I will explain to you why. Know that in the moment when I "accidentally discovered" what the "real" nature of your main problem was, I immediately decided to devote all my time to act favorably towards your case. With a single goal in mind: to help you solve this problem. It is now very clear that great things are about to happen for you. Your situation will therefore improve very quickly. To a point that you cannot imagine at the present moment. In the coming days, you will come across the greatest chance of your life. Here is why, xxx Late in the evening, while I was immersed in an in-depth study of your situation, something strange happened. While I focused on you and on the many challenges you must overcome every day, I felt a gentle divine breath enter me to inspire my thoughts and dreams It was at this moment that a soft inner voice gently whispered to me a name: yours, xxx! Yes, xxx, such an incredibly inspired revelation, your First Name was repeated on a loop within the greatest depths of my mind. What makes this phenomenon "remarkable" is that it occurs very rarely. I speak from experience: whenever these Angelic Voices manifest themselves, it announces a great life change that is in the midst of preparing itself for the person concerned. Therefore, this is why I immediately wanted to learn more... So I conducted an Inspired Clairvoyance. This is a special Clairvoyance, one which allows me to confirm my impressions with precision, especially after an experience such as the one that I experienced about you. What I discovered by far exceeds everything that I have felt for you... The Angelic World has given you a rare privilege. Your destiny has reserved an incredible surprise for you, Kel! And all the omens seem to have masterfully gathered around you. It is amazing: I was in the process of studying the good and less good aspects of your Astral configuration, when I noticed that a very rare and extremely beneficial phenomenon will soon take place for you. According to my analysis, it is due to the influence of large stellar movements that have aligned themselves in your Sky of Birth with an unprecedented astral configuration, placed under the sign of the "Grand Karma of Angelic Renewal". It is exactly as if, with the blessing of the Angels, a new blank page has crept in the great Book of your destiny. It is a true renaissance- a new chapter in your life will be written. In other words, xxxx, Heaven has offered you a rare chance to start a new and more beautiful life. A happy life. Given the importance of the situation, you can easily understand that I could not waste another single minute to reveal to you the urgent developments that will take place in your near future. But be aware, you must not lose any time. For you, everything will take place in the next three weeks. We must act as quickly as possible. I know,xxx, and I will tell you why!... In fact, you should know that such a "rare" disruption of Planet Configurations most often means that the Great Forces of the Invisible World are at the point of sending to someone down here, a sign of something exceptional. And once again, it has been verified: In an almost miraculous way, the Angels have spiritually opened the "Gates of Destiny" to me. Thus, my spirit has suddenly taken off for an amazing Journey to the confines of Invisible World. There, I recited a few secret magical prayers before gaining access to the outline of your Destiny. I thus went very far back on your life path, long before your current existence. During a very short period of time, I had direct access to a large part of your previous life. xxx, I have something unique to reveal to you... Something that no one has ever been able to tell you before. This is not the first time that I have made such a "Journey", and that I am crossing the life path of someone who, like you, needs help. And each time, I brought back many important revelations related to the "previous life" of each person. These surprising discoveries have helped my "protégés" to change their lives radically, in an incredibly happy and beneficial way. Do you want to know why, xxx? Because I was able to discover and reveal in detail what the origin of their bad luck is, and its possible link with their previous life. And by this, I can find out what good or not so good things are about to take place in the course of their immediate future. In your case, xxx, I have discovered 3 proven facts in your previous life that will surprise you. Fact no. 1: a hyper positive "Karmic Bonus" is ready to be unleashed in your life. According to the "Law of Karma" (related to your actions in your previous life), your Karma is either positive (your good deeds are charged to your credit) or negative (your bad actions make up your debt to Destiny) . If your Karma is positive, your life is pleasant and easy. Everything is on your side, and you are "credited" with a happy life. If your Karma is negative, you have to pay your debt, and live a sad and difficult life until you have "refunded" everything. The sum of the two gives you your Karmic Potential. If it is negative, you must "pay" through bravely overcoming your day-to-day challenges. But if it is positive, as in your case, you have a sort of "Karmic Bonus" that you can use at your leisure, and to tip your life towards happiness, under the support of a positive Karma. Here is your specific current situation xxxx: The repayment of your karmic debt is completed, and it is now up to you to immediately release in your life the benefits of the karmic credit that you have accumulated. Perhaps you are having a little difficulty in believing in such good luck?... I understand, xxx. You feel that your problems are insurmountable... That your fate is doomed to misfortune... And that it is too late to see your life change. But that is not the case! It is also very often from the most desperate situations that spring the most brilliant of successes. Today, your turn has come. Luck and happiness will finally be able to enter your life. The "Karmic Bonus" that you received will soon trigger the biggest change of your life. You are probably asking yourself why, when you have a "Karmic Bonus", your life is so sad and unlucky. How can your daily life be so depressing, when you performed so many "good deeds" in your previous life? xxx, I will immediately explain it to you, and you will understand why your destiny can suddenly shift to incredible happiness. First of all, I must tell you that in my eyes you are not just anyone. You are, in a certain way, a great soul. What I have seen in your previous life leaves no doubt in this regard. You are someone who is particularly sensitive and open to other people. You attract respect, admiration, and are listened to. In general, your advice is taken seriously. You have a kind of spontaneous generosity which is recognized. Your entourage appreciates you for your values and the courage that you have demonstrated, whatever the situation you are in. I noticed how your previous life is full of generous actions which have all contributed to create this "Karmic Bonus", which you are not benefiting from today. xxxxxx, this may seem surprising to you, because perhaps you do not remember your past life. It is no wonder. Only a few rare insiders, whom have reached a very high level of spiritual elevation, have access to memories of their previous lives. But this is not what is most important. No, the main point is that you know that a significant "Karmic Bonus" is at your disposable. It is certain that you can now finally seize the opportunity in order to radically transform your life. Yes, xxx, your life can completely change! This is indisputable. In light of the extraordinary "Karmic Bonus" which has been "credited" to you, be prepared to see significant changes in all areas of your life. Yes Celeste, I want you to perform my Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance + receive for FREE My Archangelic Talisman of divine Luck Rest assured that very soon, all your most secret dreams will come true as if through a miracle. All good things that you have, so far, hoped for in vain. Many happy events await you. Firstly in the area of finance: several lovely cash influxes are destined for you, including one which is particularly important, and whose arrival is scheduled within 21 days. Quickly, you will reconnect with your past life, and become the person who I have seen in the past; a rich, happy person who sows happiness and joy around him. I am not telling you all of this lightly, Kel. You can believe me. In my long experience, I have never seen a case similar to yours. You have inherited a "Karmic Bonus" of good luck. But you are not yet at the end of the path. Here is a serious point that we need to examine together... Fact no. 2:xxx you have unintentionally been the victim of an unfortunate event which has imposed a powerful negative karma upon you. Even though I saw happiness in your previous life, I strongly sensed the disturbing presence of a malicious "entity" who sought to harm you. So, I then understood that for a long time, this negative force was able to put itself in the way of your right to happiness, and is acting against you, and blocking good luck from entering your life. We are now touching the heart of your problem, xxxxx: This is the underlying reason for the chronic bad luck that will not let you go. This is the origin of your misfortune and your repeated failures. In fact, someone or something has managed to divert your positive karma for their own benefit. And most importantly, xxxx, is that they are making you take on their karmic debt on their behalf! And because this evil entity continues its misdeeds, the karmic debt that you unfairly carry grows heavier day by day, increasingly leaving its painful imprint on your life. It is this negative karmic imprint which keeps you locked up in a real spiral of bad luck and disappointment. And despite your great talents and capabilities, you cannot escape this cycle: everything that you try seems doomed for failure. This negativity has resulted in the fact that you no longer believe in yourself. However, your qualities are real. But you have somehow resigned yourself to accept this fate that is not yours. This karmic debt has literally "turned back" your destiny, orienting your life in the reverse direction of what it should be. Because of this you have never been able to show what you are really capable of. While you have earned the right to happiness and success, this negative karma brings you disappointments and painful failures. And day after day, you pay a very high price for a debt that does not belong to you. With each new failure, you say "Ah! If only I had known..." and you think that you will not repeat the pattern. But without even being aware of it, you immediately dive back and endlessly repeat the same mistakes. It is not your fault, xxx: Despite all your efforts, you are unable to get rid of this negative karma. Instead, every day you move a little deeper into unhappiness. And no aspect of your life escapes it: In the financial area, your worries date back for some time. And you cannot see any improvement in the near future. While others can treat themselves, you must pay attention to each expense, Your emotional life is not what you expect, am I right? However, many others are fulfilled, and are living a perfect love life with the person of their dreams. Finally, are you satisfied with your relationships with others? Not really... Have you noticed that for some time, some of your "friends" avoid you and no longer invite you into their homes? All this is not normal, xxxx! You dream of having a nice, serene life in which you can be freed of your worries. But in reality, it is others who profit at your expense from the good luck that you are deprived of. This situation has gone on for too long! It must come to an end so that you can finally enjoy this happiness which is rightfully yours. Fact no. 3: the next 21 days will change the course of your destiny! By exploring your life, I have discovered a sure fact: the end of your misfortune appears to be written into your near future! There is no doubt about this at all. Even though until now your life has been an ordeal, all this is going to change very quickly. Within the next 21 days, you could start a new, happier life, a life which you have dreamed of for so long. Indeed, it is during this period that the karmic debt which you are unfairly experiencing will be fully "reimbursed". A page will be definitely turned. Finished with this difficult life! Time to let in the great happiness that you so deserve. For you, xxxxx, everything will start with an incredibly happy event. The first of a long list. This will be the beginning of a profound upheaval, perhaps the most important upheaval that you will experience in this lifetime. From what I have seen, this first event will undoubtedly be a big financial influx. An unexpected blessing, the amount will fill you with joy. It will certainly exceed all that you would have dared hope for. And it gets even better! This unexpected financial influx is only the first manifestation of your karmic debt which has been erased. You will finally enjoy your "Karmic Bonus", and discover true Luck. The luck which you deserve, more than anyone else, xxxx,! In one fell swoop, your life will move towards great happiness. You will not have any doubts with regard to your capabilities for success. All your anxieties gone, you will view the future with confidence. You will strongly believe in your Luck. Extraordinarily happy opportunities will present themselves to you one after the other. Firstly in the field of emotions and relationships. A very important person will come into your life and bring you happiness. Maybe someone that you already know, or a new meeting?... I cannot tell you with certainty. In any case, this person will quickly fill a void in your life, for your greatest happiness. Finally, you will receive as much love, affection, and friendship as you give out. You will again become the radiant and fulfilled person that you were in your previous life; an attractive person who others enjoy and whose company they seek. Then, xxxx, with regard to success you will no longer experience the endless cycle of failures and injustice. On the contrary, everything that you will undertake will be crowned by resounding success! You will finally be able to achieve your dreams, to experience the most beautiful successes of your life. You will cause admiration amongst those who matter most. Everyone will envy your extraordinary talents, your ability for success. In this new life which is now so close to you, you will be bestowed with significant resources. Resources which will enable you to access happiness so perfect that you cannot even imagine it right now. But there is a condition, xxxx: you must totally release yourself forever from this negative karma which you has been unfairly inflicted upon you! This brings me to my greatest worry for you: you have suffered under this negative karma for too long. So that today, you are caught up in a vortex of negativity so virulent that you cannot get away from it by yourself. Even if you have a particularly important "Karmic Bonus", this negative past risks cancelling out your chances to live this beautiful revival; the revival inscribed in your immediate future. But the good news for you, xxx, is that I have already successfully solved many cases similar to yours. How? With the help of the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance. I can put it into practice especially for you, completely free of charge. Most importantly, do not take this support lightly. It is a very special Action, issued from Sacred Angelic Magic that is completely mystical, which the Invisible World has introduced me to. No one but me can enact it for you. I cannot reveal all the secret details of this Ceremonial which has no known equivalent in our under World. Its effects are extraordinary. It is capable of seeking justice on your behalf. Your "Karmic Bonus" will quickly be returned to you. The evil entity who is benefitting at your expense will in return receive what it deserves... Kel, under no circumstances believe that I am speaking to you lightly: I have successfully issued this Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance before. Always for people who experienced the same problem as you. Today, they all live a happy and fulfilling life! However, many of them were initially skeptical. But when they experienced the positive effects of the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance every day and firsthand, they realized that happiness was possible. And believe me, they continue to enjoy it today without exception. Take, for example, Daniele's case. Victim of a negative Karma, she went from one disaster to the next: her husband abandoned her, and she lost her job. She had lost her bearings; her children were causing her problems both with her neighbors and at school, not to mention having enormous financial difficulties. But for her, these are now simply bad memories. Daniele asked me to perform for her the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance. And I accepted. Precisely seven days later, she found a new, well-paid job, which suited her perfectly. Two days later, a large influx of money allowed her to repay all her debts. And to top it all off, she met a lovely man, who accepted her for who she is, with her children, and with whom she now lives happily. Yes Celeste, I want you to perform my Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance + receive for FREE My Archangelic Talisman of divine Luck Here is an excerpt from the letter that she sent me: Celeste, I confess that I did not believe it. But in my situation, I told myself that I could not afford to neglect this opportunity. And because I risked nothing by trying, I took the plunge, as they say. Today, I can tell you that I do not regret it at all. In fact it is the best decision that I have made in my whole life... I know now how people who do not have financial problems live. My love life is a dream: I live with a man who adores me as well as my children. I will never be able to thank you enough for performing this Grand Ritual. It really is magical! I could quote many other cases to you. Every day, I receive many emails from people for whom I performed the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance, which contain testimonies and which thank me for this service. But enough talk of others, let us talk about you, xxxx... For you, what is actually most important is that by asking me to perform for you the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance you can radically change your life, and bring absolute joy into it. I only have one goal in offering you my help: for you to finally access this happiness which is rightfully yours. To which you have a legitimate claim. xxxxxx, never have your dreams been so close to coming true. You just need to make the right decision to see happiness sweep through your life. In less than 21 days. Follow this Link to make this happen! And, in addition, for you,xxxx! Because I want to be absolutely certain that you will fully profit from your "Karmic Bonus", I have reserved something magical that will be very useful to you. This powerful secret allows you to seize the opportunities that your "Karmic Bonus" will put on your path. This is the Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck. Its powers go beyond what everyone is able to imagine. This Talisman holds one of the oldest and most jealously-guarded secrets of the Invisible World. Only Beings of Light are permitted to designate THE person who will benefit from it. The Heavens have made an exception for me. This privilege has been divinely bestowed upon me. I can therefore decide to offer it to you today. Know that this precious Talisman creates a privileged link between those who hold it, and the Celestial Powers of the Invisible World. It is adorned with curious and strange symbols that most people cannot decipher. These very special embellishments give it its power through creating around it a true "Angelic Aura" . Here is exactly what will happen to you when you invite me to perform the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance: Thanks to the powerful action of its "Angelic Aura", the Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck will send you a powerful compensating energy which will erase all traces of negativity in your karma. The Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck will play the role of a "catalyst", which will multiply the beneficial effects of the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance that I will perform for you. Thus, Luck and Happiness related to your "Karmic Bonus" will leap into your life. And very quickly, you will see improvements: you will permanently say goodbye to unhappiness and problems. But that is not all Kel! In less than 21 days, you will experience this wonderful influx of money that I mentioned to you. Imagine what your life will be once you have settled all of your many financial problems. A new life will begin for you. A golden existence in which you will be THE happiest and most fulfilled person. The Angelic Powers will offer you the opportunity to start a "clean slate", and to start afresh. But money is not everything! You will also experience an incredible emotional renewal that will fill you with happiness. Yes Celeste, I want you to perform my Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance + receive for FREE My Archangelic Talisman of divine Luck And the surprises are not yet over,xxxx!... This is because Luck, True Luck, will make a triumphant entrance into your life. It will never leave you, and will guide you towards money, love, and success. It is a fact. The beneficial effects of the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance and Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck will cumulate to move your life very quickly into experiencing happiness at every moment. But all this no doubt probably sounds too good to be true, is that not right,xxxx? I suspected as much, and this is why I want you to see for yourself all that the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance and the Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck can produce in your life. Here is what I propose,xxxx. All that you have to do is accept that I will perform for you free of charge the Grand Angelic Ceremonial of Karmic Deliverance, and that I will send you the Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck. But you need to act fast- right now, because the moment where you can "reverse" your negative karma and finally "benefit" from your Karmic Bonus is very close. You do not need to do anything complicated. I will take action for you, and will reveal to you in detail When and How to proceed. But for now, it is up to YOU and YOU alone to make THE decision. Probably the most important decision of your entire life: follow this Link! I can assure you that you will not regret it. Celeste - Angelic Medium ps xxxxx, I have begun to magnetize and to load the Archangelic Talisman of Divine Luck that I have reserved for you with a very special Angelic Power so that your most treasured wish can come true. However, you must equip yourself with this power within a maximum of 72 hours. After that, it will not be able to act for you. Answer me without further delay. Press here right now! and pay me$99 for your Grand Kharmic Ceromony

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