bly-accounting Reviews

Bly Accounting

0/5 - based on 2 reviews

Bly Accounting Overview

Bly Accounting has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 2 customers. In the Accounting category, it secures the 15th position out of 45 companies.


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Contact Information

+6 139 018 9563

2 222 Latrobe St, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia

Bly Accounting Reviews


Bly Accounting Fake Training and Ripoff

I paid almost $2,000 to the company Bly Accounting, which offered the trainings, which would help you to find better job. But in reality, you pay money and get training, but after you search for the job, no one from the employers wants to hire you after they hear about the company Bly Accounting. So I wanted to warn other people not to deal with these scammers. You will lose time, money and possibilities. They try to entice you with their "success" story and say it will help you get jobs but it will not do that. They only want to sell rubbish training courses and then ignore you and leave you thinking it is all your fault.


Bly Accounting Scam

Also known as Florian Accounting Scam, Platinum Accounting Scam or Premier Accounting Scam and Aussie Tax Time Scam. Now they have re-badged themselves as Bly Accounting. Its all being run by the same *** artists selling fake work references to desperate people trying to pad their CVs. They *** students into paying thousands for basically a work reference when they look for jobs. These students lie on their CV and claim they are employed by Bly Accounting. THEY WERE NEVER EMPLOYED BY BLY ACCOUNTING. BLY ACCOUNTING IS PRETENDING TO EMPLOY THEM. BLY ACCOUNTING IS BEING PAID TO PROVIDE A FAKE WORK REFERENCE. They are being dishonest and cannot be trusted. The people who use Bly Accounting as a work reference are lying to you when they are looking for jobs. I would be wary about hiring liars to do my books.

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