allen-clayborn Reviews

Allen Clayborn

0/5 - based on 1 review

Allen Clayborn Overview

Allen Clayborn has a 0-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Entertainment category, it secures the 328th position out of 387 companies.


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Allen Clayborn Reviews


Allen clayborn is a thief and his music sucks

Allen Clayborn is a music artist or claims to be one. He stole $1500 from me. I gave him help now he wont pay me back. He was also convicted in new York of grand larceny fourth degree and served jail time. Watch out for this guy!!! He claims his mother is sick and was locked out of her apartment. He is a scammer and will screw anyone he comes in contact with. Please tell your friends and don't buy his music. Who knows how many others he has done this too. It is said when you help someone and they stab you in the back.

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