advanta-bank Reviews

Advanta Bank

1/5 - based on 147 reviews

Advanta Bank Overview

Advanta Bank has a 1-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 147 customers. In the Insurance category, it secures the 67th position out of 868 companies.


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2870 Pharr Court South NW Suite #3001, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States

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Advanta Bank Reviews


Lost and found urgent

Hello my name is Devin I'm contacting you regarding a lost wallet and set of keys



Paid via auto payment on a small (1400) debt via a DOD salary to Advanta. They said I didnt pay them one month (although I paid electronically and couldn't miss a payment) and charged me fees and upped my payments and added twice what I owed them.Why hasnt the CCC or Attorney General for USA put them in jail instead of allowing them to screw up our credit 9 years later for thier dishonesty/lies and unethical practices?


Advanta bank

Advanta has been put out of business and is having to issue refunds check with your state comptroller for any refunds you might have coming. I got $499 back but still have a bad mark on my credit that experian etc will not take of. Advanta screwed allot of people if we did something like this we would be in jail. They tried to get $22,000.00 from me and I owed them nothing always paid my bill in full and never late for 8 years and they are the *** if the earth and deserve anything they can be given.


Advanta let alone scams consumer but also non profit fund raising

I am seeking to sue advanta in a lawsuit regarding credit card fraud and also for scamming and breaching contract with helping military family who also setup an affiliation to work with them for fund raising and in return went into partner for hiring the non profit founder to use name and help with fund raising and then advising for the projects. In return offered funds at an agreement and then did as such on a consumer level started charging and uping fees without any return of the agreement on affiliation. then as such closed then account and never followed through on the agreement. with this there was charges made in fraud of fees and no payout from the original affiliate agreement for advertising and marketing the bank for each application. with this they tried to control and breached the contract and then asked to try and take the money with services as stated on a consumer level and also business level to help small business and non profit in return was trying to compensate funds which is considered illegal. also inreturn after investigations it was a scam to raise and take money from outside for a political campaign person I am asking to join or have a lawyer put counter lawsuit to also with their threats of the reports against the founder on a person level which hindered the fund raising and such. along with the money that was already invested into the credit card program. for 3 million and more dollars. to include class members if possbile at another amount. please contact me I am also in military area and we work with federal programs I appreciate a response asap and seeking lawyers who take the case to end within six months I am trying to enforce the justice system on cases like this where judged spann out for too long when victims are in hard times. please help me petition for this for we need to remind these people we vote into office including judges that they work for us not the other way. to include a petition to allow some restitution to victims for these types of cases for class members if you are on the advanta case I would like to add my name as the plaintiff and help with the case on what is required and needed and expected of me and also suggestion for class members reach our association at fitprolifestyle@***.com


Illegal late payment fees

Advanta Bank is a predatory bank. They are very slick. They are deceiving customers with their crafty devices, and they need to be put out of business. For many years I have been paying my bills electronically through my bank. For the second month in a row they are assessing a late payment fee even though I always send my electronic payment on time. I just found out today what their game is. The trick they are playing is that all of a sudden they are not accepting electronic payments from the other banks, so this forces the banks to send the payments by mail. Since the banks have to mail them the checks for payments, they have changed their payment mailing address without notifying the costumers. This causes the checks to arrive late every time. I wonder how many thousands of costumers are being taken to the cleaners by these thieves.


Advanta Bank issues card without validating applicant

In 2005, my bookkeeper applied for a business card with Advanta using my name and SSN, a fraudulent, non-working telephone number, her own e-mail address and a mailing address that she was using. Advanta then issued a credit card with my name on it. This person then went on to get a card under a second account, separate account number with her name on it, but with my name as the responsible party. Advanta issued this second card as well. Advanta's response is that since the card was applied for over the internet, they did not need a signature to approve the application. They furhter state the the information provided on the application could be "validated by public records"...yet the information was false. Advanta has told me that "they sent me the wrong information used to open the account", but they have not been able to provide contact information or a mother's maiden name is correct, or even proof that they know it. They also state that they have a voice recording of me giving authorization for the cards to be issued, but cannot explain how they were able to contact me when they had a phone number that has never been a working phone number, and "they have lost the recording".



I opened an account with Advanta back in 2004 -- Interest rate was 7.99% increased to 24.99% -- unable to speak with a live person about account -- they refer you to 'credit counseling' It would be appreciated if I can have a LOWER interest rate so I can SURVIVE -- I do not want this to affect my Credit Report so this is why I struggle to pay over $300 a month it has been NOTHING but a struggle I continue to stress this -- It is awful how Banks can get away with what they do to the consumer(s) I am just pressing on


Same problem as many - Advanta's criminal actions

I hate this company! They did the same to our small business a couple of years ago after they continually increased our credit limit. After several attempts to lower my rate from 30%, they finally brought it down to 19.99. I've been trying to pay off my balance with timely monthly payments which are way over the minimal. Was late by 2-3 days with 2 payments in the last 12 months and now my APR went from 19.99 to 29.99. Contacted Advanta - no help! I'm already signed up for a class action suit again them but I want to know if I should continue to pay off the balance.


Credit practices

This bank accrues fees and finance charges so that for every $10 one has in the loan balance, they charge an additional $5. I can never get my account to get below $100.00, no matter what I try. And to think that I started with about an $1150.00, paying $100.00 every month, has now taken 3 years and I am still dealing with a balance. I consider them to be an unworthy company with tactics designed to keep you paying forever. Albeit, this is not the only company out there like that. But interest rates above 30% is outrageous. They are true "Sharks" by the meaning of the term in bank lingo. Do not open an account with this bank. This a warning to protect all other customers out there.


Where can I join a class action suit against Advanta?

Can anyone please give me contact information to join a class action suit against Advanta? A long story short, several months ago Advanta tried their interest rate hike games on me without any justification then closed my account after I paid it off in full to avoid the new interest rate and are now trying to "buy me off" with a check they sent me. They chose to close my account after I told them that until they lowered my interest rate back down I would not use their card. I had never paid late and always paid more then was required! I have not cashed the check they sent me last October and would like to join in "giving them a taste of Texas justice"! Can anyone help? Please email me at berlinaustin@***.com Thanks for your time!


Advanta Bank beware of ever having one late payment

We had an Advanta Bus. Master Card with a special promotion of zero% interest through Jan. 2010. They closed our account only 3 weeks after making the transfers to them because they got out of third party credit cards. My payment was received 3 days late, not only did they charge me the late fee of $39, but they charged me full interest due to "breach of contract" because the pmt was received 3 days late. That was $407 in interest 29%, which is an illegal interest rate for my State, 24% is max. Anyway, never do business with this sorry customer service company. They do not care one bit about their customers only their pockets.


Advanta bank interest hike and harrassment

I would like the join the class action suit against advanta for hiking the interest rate from 9% to 35% without warning, then closing the account in July of this past year. They refuse to return calls for negotiation and have "Jim,John, Bob, Donna and Janet" from India calling me 3-5 times a day, bullying me and harrassing me, telling me they will stop calling as soon as I set up a payment with them. I set up an automatic ONE time payment and am now caught up. The calls keep coming, as early as 7:30am. They pretend they are from Pennsylvania and tell me that "Brian" is their supervisor, and he doesn't have a last name because they all just call him "Brian." I am infuriated with the unprofessional service and lack of concern for me and my business, and also afraid these bloodsuckers will hijack my checking account. I have already visited my bank to make sure no unauthorized transactions result.


Advanta Complaint!

After approximately 10 years of timely payments, never late once, Advanta notified me that the most recent, November, payment came in 2 days late and they are exercising their right to adjust the interest rate and removing the promotional rate. They refuse to reveal the new interest rate to me and let me know it will be reflected in my new bill. They also refused to allow me to speak to a Supervisor and would only provide a P.O. Box to write a letter of complaint. I was told that Supervisors do not accept calls. I am already struggling to stay on top of my financial obligations. An increase in the interest rate will add to this burden. I'm making a sincere effort to maintain my good credit rating. Companies like this are pushing our economy deeper into recession with these types of efforts!


Total Rip Off

from 2.99% they increased rate to 34.99% without notice or reason. one bill not received in mail (first time ever failed on payment on time) they charged late fees and sent me to Credit Bureau!!! have talked to many people at advanta but they are robotic and indifferent. Won't believe what happened: bill never received that month and then they stopped sending it. when called was told that they had decided to stop paper statements that i was obliged to pay on line and i was never advised if i hadn't called wouldn't have known.


Advanta 34.99% interest!!

I would like to join everyone in this class action suit if there is one. I am a small business owner and have paid this card on time every month. Rates went from 6.99% to 34.99% Finally had to borrow money from my in laws to pay them off. Sent check with delivery confirmation. They waited 3 days to cash check so they could charge more interest. This has to be illegal for everything they have done. I called to confirm the check and delivery date with a refund for compounded interest. They said it would take about a month. I feel I should charge them interst rates!!MAD in Seattle.


Advanta credit card missing statements

My company has had a small business credit card with advanta for 5 years and always received a mailed statement on time. We had a promotional interest rate of 6.99%. We had noticed that the default interest rate was jumping up to 34.99% last year. We weren't really affected because we had the promotional 6.99%. We had considered using this card for every day business expenses so called to complain about the high default rate of 34.99%. We were told that this is the rate no exceptions unless you have a promotional rate. Needless to say we didn't use this card for every day expenses. We always paid on time and always more than the minimum. We received notice in May 2009 that advanta lost it's funding and could no longer provide credit card services after May 30th 2009. That was fine with us we could just continue paying our 6.99% until the $10,000 was paid off. Guess what happened next! We never received a June statement and by the time we realized it the payment was already past due. We called advanta immediatly and payed right away. The agent realized we had never payed late in 5 years and credited us the late fee. We got the new statement and the late fee was credited but the interest rate was now 34.99%. $350 per month in interest because we didn't get that one crucial statement the month after they lose their funding. I've read other complaints about customers not receiving statements. I was told that we must have received it because if we didn't it would have been returned to advanta and they have no record of receiving it. Seems to be a common problem with advanta not sending statements and subsequently raising customer interest rates to 34.99% or higher. Has anyone else had this problem?

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