a-1-certified-service Reviews
Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning

A-1 Certified Service

1.3/5 - based on 1 review

A-1 Certified Service Overview

A-1 Certified Service has a 1.3-star rating, derived from feedback provided by 1 customers. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning category, it secures the 174th position out of 200 companies.


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Contact Information


(865) 691-5088

2511 Byington Solway Rd., Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, United States

A-1 Certified Service Reviews


Rude, Belligerent, Property Damage & Lack of Responsibilty for Damage Caused

Last year, due to being on a low, fixed income, I applied for and was approved for a weatherization program through a government program with CAC of Knoxville in TN. They chose to hire A-1 Certified Services as their contractor to do the jobs. I was told there would be a particular continuously running fan installed in one of the bathrooms of my home. As part of the weatherization, I was NOT told, initially, that it was REQUIRED I had to allow them to install this fan into my home and it was not part of the signed contract, but they attempted to install it, anyway in such a way that it would have been USELESS for its given purposes. When I became adamant that I did NOT want the fan where they wanted to put it, as it would damage the aesthetics of my home, the owner and workers of A-1 Certified became agitated, rude and belligerent with me on this issue...attempting to intimidate and strong-arm me in accepting THEIR choices for MY home! Instead of them installing it correctly through the roof...which would have cost them a bit more money to cut through the metal roofing...they wanted to put it in a bathroom sidewall where it was the LEAST useful and would protrude at least 6" out the side of my home! It was simply a matter of getting it installed in my home...no matter WHAT! I was the one to find a way they could install this style fan in such a way to meet the needs of BOTH of us. However, by this time, they were angry enough that they seemed to find ways to cause problems in other areas of my home. Here's the list: (1) In calking ceiling areas and because they didn't lay down drop cloths for protection, they dripped the clear calk all over the 2 filters of my heat pump unit (rendering the filters useless) and in several areas of my carpeting throughout the house. (2) When installing a dryer vent outside my storage unit, they cut a circular area through a wall BEFORE determining it couldn't be routed in this direction without repairing it. (3) When installing the cook top range vent with their special fan, they created long and deep scratches into the control panel of my nearly flawless stove top. (4) In taking out a window in my master bath while they were attempting to put the fan in where I didn't want it, they broke the frame at the bottom of the window, so I'm no longer able to open my bathroom window since it gets stuck each time I attempt to open it. All the while, these people were shooting back and forth in my home while trying to intimidate me to let them do what THEY wanted to MY home and causing a LOT of anxiety in my pets!!! In the end, when I complained, they came back and sloppily repaired only SOME of the damage they had caused...refusing to replace the filters they had clogged up and only repairing the hole error they had caused in my wall to THEIR satisfaction...not MINE! Bottom line: If you use the government to help you with repairs to your home using their programs, they will hire the company with the lowest bid, who will be the WORST for you, your home and your animals with their poor and rude attitudes...acting like they can do whatever they want in your home, regardless of your desires and trying to intimidate you into letting them get away with damaging YOUR home in the name of, allegedly, helping you since you're so poor!

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